
1 %% Returns a numeric id from 0 to 255 for the current node.
2 %% Used to generate MAM IDs.
3 -module(mongoose_node_num).
4 -export([node_num/0, set_node_num/1]).
6 -type node_num() :: 0..255.
7 -export_type([node_num/0]).
9 %% @doc Return an integer node ID.
10 -spec node_num() -> node_num().
11 node_num() ->
12 %% We just return 0 if set_node_num/1 is not called.
13 3202 persistent_term:get(?MODULE, 0).
15 -spec set_node_num(node_num()) -> ignore | updated | same.
16 set_node_num(Num) ->
17 126 case node_num() =:= Num of
18 true ->
19 79 same;
20 false ->
21 47 persistent_term:put(?MODULE, Num),
22 47 updated
23 end.
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