1 |
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
%%% @author Konrad Kaplita <konrad.kaplita@erlang-solutions.com> |
3 |
%%% @copyright (C) 2011, Erlang Solutions Ltd. |
4 |
%%% @doc Implementation of Redis-based session manager |
5 |
%%% |
6 |
%%% @end |
7 |
%%% Created : 17 Nov 2011 by Konrad Kaplita <konrad.kaplita@erlang-solutions.com> |
8 |
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- |
9 |
-module(ejabberd_sm_redis). |
10 |
11 |
-include("mongoose.hrl"). |
12 |
-include("session.hrl"). |
13 |
14 |
-behavior(ejabberd_sm_backend). |
15 |
-export([init/1, |
16 |
get_sessions/0, |
17 |
get_sessions/1, |
18 |
get_sessions/2, |
19 |
get_sessions/3, |
20 |
set_session/4, |
21 |
delete_session/4, |
22 |
cleanup/1, |
23 |
maybe_initial_cleanup/2, |
24 |
total_count/0, |
25 |
unique_count/0]). |
26 |
27 |
-ignore_xref([maybe_initial_cleanup/2]). |
28 |
29 |
-spec init(map()) -> any(). |
30 |
init(_Opts) -> |
31 |
%% Clean current node's sessions from previous life |
32 |
:-( |
{Elapsed, RetVal} = timer:tc(?MODULE, maybe_initial_cleanup, [node(), true]), |
33 |
:-( |
?LOG_NOTICE(#{what => sm_cleanup_initial, |
34 |
text => <<"SM cleanup on start took">>, |
35 |
:-( |
duration => erlang:round(Elapsed / 1000)}), |
36 |
:-( |
RetVal. |
37 |
38 |
-spec get_sessions() -> [ejabberd_sm:session()]. |
39 |
get_sessions() -> |
40 |
:-( |
Keys = mongoose_redis:cmd(["KEYS", hash(<<"*">>)]), |
41 |
:-( |
lists:flatmap(fun(K) -> |
42 |
:-( |
Sessions = mongoose_redis:cmd(["SMEMBERS", K]), |
43 |
:-( |
lists:map(fun(S) -> |
44 |
:-( |
binary_to_term(S) |
45 |
end, |
46 |
Sessions) |
47 |
end, Keys). |
48 |
49 |
-spec get_sessions(jid:server()) -> [ejabberd_sm:session()]. |
50 |
get_sessions(Server) -> |
51 |
:-( |
Keys = mongoose_redis:cmd(["KEYS", hash(Server)]), |
52 |
:-( |
lists:flatmap(fun(K) -> |
53 |
:-( |
Sessions = mongoose_redis:cmd(["SMEMBERS", K]), |
54 |
:-( |
lists:map(fun(S) -> |
55 |
:-( |
binary_to_term(S) |
56 |
end, |
57 |
Sessions) |
58 |
end, Keys). |
59 |
60 |
-spec get_sessions(jid:user(), jid:server()) -> [ejabberd_sm:session()]. |
61 |
get_sessions(User, Server) -> |
62 |
:-( |
Sessions = mongoose_redis:cmd(["SMEMBERS", hash(User, Server)]), |
63 |
64 |
:-( |
lists:map(fun(S) -> binary_to_term(S) end, Sessions). |
65 |
66 |
-spec get_sessions(jid:user(), jid:server(), jid:resource() |
67 |
) -> [ejabberd_sm:session()]. |
68 |
get_sessions(User, Server, Resource) -> |
69 |
:-( |
Sessions = mongoose_redis:cmd(["SMEMBERS", hash(User, Server, Resource)]), |
70 |
71 |
:-( |
lists:map(fun(S) -> binary_to_term(S) end, Sessions). |
72 |
73 |
-spec set_session(User :: jid:luser(), |
74 |
Server :: jid:lserver(), |
75 |
Resource :: jid:lresource(), |
76 |
Session :: ejabberd_sm:session()) -> ok | {error, term()}. |
77 |
set_session(User, Server, Resource, Session) -> |
78 |
:-( |
OldSessions = get_sessions(User, Server, Resource), |
79 |
:-( |
Node = sid_to_node(Session#session.sid), |
80 |
:-( |
case lists:keysearch(Session#session.sid, #session.sid, OldSessions) of |
81 |
{value, OldSession} -> |
82 |
:-( |
BOldSession = term_to_binary(OldSession), |
83 |
:-( |
BSession = term_to_binary(Session), |
84 |
:-( |
mongoose_redis:cmds([["SADD", n(Node), hash(User, Server, Resource, Session#session.sid)], |
85 |
["SREM", hash(User, Server), BOldSession], |
86 |
["SREM", hash(User, Server, Resource), BOldSession], |
87 |
["SADD", hash(User, Server), BSession], |
88 |
["SADD", hash(User, Server, Resource), BSession]]); |
89 |
false -> |
90 |
:-( |
BSession = term_to_binary(Session), |
91 |
:-( |
mongoose_redis:cmds([["SADD", n(Node), hash(User, Server, Resource, Session#session.sid)], |
92 |
["SADD", hash(User, Server), BSession], |
93 |
["SADD", hash(User, Server, Resource), BSession]]) |
94 |
end. |
95 |
96 |
-spec delete_session(SID :: ejabberd_sm:sid(), |
97 |
User :: jid:user(), |
98 |
Server :: jid:server(), |
99 |
Resource :: jid:resource()) -> ok. |
100 |
delete_session(SID, User, Server, Resource) -> |
101 |
:-( |
Sessions = get_sessions(User, Server, Resource), |
102 |
:-( |
case lists:keysearch(SID, #session.sid, Sessions) of |
103 |
{value, Session} -> |
104 |
:-( |
BSession = term_to_binary(Session), |
105 |
:-( |
mongoose_redis:cmds([["SREM", hash(User, Server), BSession], |
106 |
["SREM", hash(User, Server, Resource), BSession], |
107 |
["SREM", n(sid_to_node(SID)), hash(User, Server, Resource, SID)]]); |
108 |
false -> |
109 |
:-( |
ok |
110 |
end. |
111 |
112 |
-spec cleanup(atom()) -> any(). |
113 |
cleanup(Node) -> |
114 |
:-( |
maybe_initial_cleanup(Node, false). |
115 |
116 |
-spec maybe_initial_cleanup(atom(), boolean()) -> any(). |
117 |
maybe_initial_cleanup(Node, Initial) -> |
118 |
:-( |
Hashes = mongoose_redis:cmd(["SMEMBERS", n(Node)]), |
119 |
:-( |
mongoose_redis:cmd(["DEL", n(Node)]), |
120 |
:-( |
Sessions = lists:map(fun(H) -> |
121 |
:-( |
[_, U, S, R | SIDEncoded] = re:split(H, ":"), |
122 |
%% Add possible removed ":" from encoded SID |
123 |
:-( |
SID = binary_to_term(mongoose_bin:join(SIDEncoded, <<":">>)), |
124 |
:-( |
delete_session(SID, U, S, R), |
125 |
:-( |
case Initial of |
126 |
true -> |
127 |
:-( |
ok; |
128 |
false -> |
129 |
:-( |
Session = #session{usr = {U, S, R}, sid = SID}, |
130 |
:-( |
ejabberd_sm:session_cleanup(Session), |
131 |
:-( |
Session |
132 |
end |
133 |
end, Hashes), |
134 |
:-( |
ejabberd_sm:sessions_cleanup(Sessions). |
135 |
136 |
-spec total_count() -> integer(). |
137 |
total_count() -> |
138 |
:-( |
{Counts, _} = rpc:multicall(ejabberd_sm, get_node_sessions_number, []), |
139 |
:-( |
lists:sum([Count || Count <- Counts, is_integer(Count)]). |
140 |
141 |
-spec unique_count() -> integer(). |
142 |
unique_count() -> |
143 |
:-( |
length(mongoose_redis:cmd(["KEYS", "s2:*"])). |
144 |
145 |
%% Internal functions |
146 |
147 |
-spec hash(binary()) -> iolist(). |
148 |
hash(Val1) -> |
149 |
:-( |
["s3:*:", Val1, ":*"]. |
150 |
151 |
-spec hash(binary(), binary()) -> iolist(). |
152 |
hash(Val1, Val2) -> |
153 |
:-( |
["s2:", Val1, ":", Val2]. |
154 |
155 |
-spec hash(binary(), binary(), binary()) -> iolist(). |
156 |
hash(Val1, Val2, Val3) -> |
157 |
:-( |
["s3:", Val1, ":", Val2, ":", Val3]. |
158 |
159 |
-spec hash(binary(), binary(), binary(), ejabberd_sm:sid()) -> iolist(). |
160 |
hash(Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4) -> |
161 |
:-( |
["s4:", Val1, ":", Val2, ":", Val3, ":", term_to_binary(Val4)]. |
162 |
163 |
-spec n(atom()) -> iolist(). |
164 |
n(Node) -> |
165 |
:-( |
["n:", atom_to_list(Node)]. |
166 |
167 |
sid_to_node(SID) -> |
168 |
:-( |
{_, Pid} = SID, |
169 |
:-( |
node(Pid). |