
1 %%% ====================================================================
2 %%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
3 %%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
4 %%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
5 %%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
6 %%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
7 %%%
8 %%%
9 %%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10 %%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
11 %%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12 %%% under the License.
13 %%%
14 %%%
15 %%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ProcessOne.
16 %%% Portions created by ProcessOne are Copyright 2006-2015, ProcessOne
17 %%% All Rights Reserved.''
18 %%% This software is copyright 2006-2015, ProcessOne.
19 %%%
20 %%%
21 %%% @copyright 2006-2015 ProcessOne
22 %%% @author Christophe Romain <christophe.romain@process-one.net>
23 %%% [http://www.process-one.net/]
24 %%% @end
25 %%% ====================================================================
27 %%% @doc The module <strong>{@module}</strong> is the default PubSub node tree plugin.
28 %%% <p>It is used as a default for all unknown PubSub node type. It can serve
29 %%% as a developer basis and reference to build its own custom pubsub node tree
30 %%% types.</p>
31 %%% <p>PubSub node tree plugins are using the {@link gen_nodetree} behaviour.</p>
32 %%% <p><strong>The API isn't stabilized yet</strong>. The pubsub plugin
33 %%% development is still a work in progress. However, the system is already
34 %%% useable and useful as is. Please, send us comments, feedback and
35 %%% improvements.</p>
37 -module(nodetree_tree).
38 -behaviour(gen_pubsub_nodetree).
39 -author('christophe.romain@process-one.net').
41 -include_lib("stdlib/include/qlc.hrl").
43 -include("pubsub.hrl").
44 -include("jlib.hrl").
46 -export([init/2, terminate/2, set_node/1,
47 get_node/2, get_node/1, get_nodes/2,
48 get_parentnodes_tree/3,
49 get_subnodes/3, create_node/6,
50 delete_node/2]).
52 -define(MOD_PUBSUB_DB_BACKEND, mod_pubsub_db_backend).
53 -ignore_xref([
54 {?MOD_PUBSUB_DB_BACKEND, set_node, 1},
55 {?MOD_PUBSUB_DB_BACKEND, get_subnodes, 2},
56 {?MOD_PUBSUB_DB_BACKEND, find_node_by_name, 2},
57 {?MOD_PUBSUB_DB_BACKEND, find_nodes_by_key, 1},
58 {?MOD_PUBSUB_DB_BACKEND, get_subnodes_tree, 2},
59 {?MOD_PUBSUB_DB_BACKEND, find_node_by_id, 1}
60 ]).
62 init(_HostType, _Options) ->
63 35 ok.
65 terminate(_Host, _ServerHost) ->
66 35 ok.
68 set_node(Node) ->
69 87 mod_pubsub_db_backend:set_node(Node).
71 get_node(Host, Node) ->
72 246 case catch mod_pubsub_db_backend:find_node_by_name(Host, Node) of
73 239 #pubsub_node{} = Record -> Record;
74 7 _ -> {error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:item_not_found()}
75 end.
77 get_node(Nidx) ->
78 242 case catch mod_pubsub_db_backend:find_node_by_id(Nidx) of
79 242 {ok, Node} -> Node;
_ -> {error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:item_not_found()}
81 end.
83 get_nodes(Key, _From) ->
84 32 mod_pubsub_db_backend:find_nodes_by_key(Key).
86 %% @doc <p>Default node tree does not handle parents, return a list
87 %% containing just this node.</p>
88 get_parentnodes_tree(Host, Node, _From) ->
89 210 case catch mod_pubsub_db_backend:find_node_by_name(Host, Node) of
90 210 #pubsub_node{} = Record -> [{0, [Record]}];
_ -> []
92 end.
94 get_subnodes(Host, Node, _From) ->
95 6 mod_pubsub_db_backend:get_subnodes(Host, Node).
97 create_node(Host, NodeName, Type, Owner, Options, Parents) ->
98 83 BJID = jid:to_lower(jid:to_bare(Owner)),
99 83 case catch mod_pubsub_db_backend:find_node_by_name(Host, NodeName) of
100 false ->
101 83 case check_parent_and_its_owner_list(Host, Parents, BJID) of
102 true ->
103 82 Node = #pubsub_node{nodeid = {Host, NodeName},
104 parents = Parents,
105 type = Type, owners = [BJID],
106 options = Options},
107 82 set_node(Node);
108 false ->
109 1 {error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:forbidden()}
110 end;
111 _ ->
{error, mongoose_xmpp_errors:conflict()}
113 end.
115 check_parent_and_its_owner_list({_U, _S, _R}, _Parents, _BJID) ->
116 %% This is special case for PEP handling
117 %% PEP does not uses hierarchy
118 3 true;
119 check_parent_and_its_owner_list(_Host, [], _BJID) ->
120 72 true;
121 check_parent_and_its_owner_list(Host, [Parent | _], BJID) ->
122 8 case catch mod_pubsub_db_backend:find_node_by_name(Host, Parent) of
123 #pubsub_node{owners = [{<<>>, Host, <<>>}]} ->
124 4 true;
125 #pubsub_node{owners = Owners} ->
126 3 lists:member(BJID, Owners);
127 _ ->
128 1 false
129 end;
130 check_parent_and_its_owner_list(_Host, _Parents, _BJID) ->
133 delete_node(Host, Node) ->
134 72 SubNodesTree = mod_pubsub_db_backend:get_subnodes_tree(Host, Node),
135 72 Removed = lists:flatten([Nodes || {_, Nodes} <- SubNodesTree]),
136 72 lists:foreach(fun (NodeToDel) ->
137 73 mod_pubsub_db_backend:delete_node(NodeToDel)
138 end,
139 Removed),
140 72 Removed.
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