
1 %% @doc This module builds an interface to c2s event handling
2 -module(mongoose_c2s_hooks).
4 -type fn() :: fun((mongoose_acc:t(), params(), gen_hook:extra()) -> result()).
5 -type params() :: #{c2s_data := mongoose_c2s:data(),
6 c2s_state := mongoose_c2s:state(),
7 event_type := undefined | gen_statem:event_type(),
8 event_tag => atom(),
9 event_content := undefined | term(),
10 reason := undefined | term()}.
11 -type result() :: gen_hook:hook_fn_ret(mongoose_acc:t()).
12 -export_type([fn/0, params/0, result/0]).
14 %% XML handlers
15 -export([user_send_packet/3,
16 user_receive_packet/3,
17 user_send_message/3,
18 user_send_iq/3,
19 user_send_presence/3,
20 user_send_xmlel/3,
21 user_receive_message/3,
22 user_receive_iq/3,
23 user_receive_presence/3,
24 user_receive_xmlel/3,
25 xmpp_presend_element/3
26 ]).
28 %% General event handlers
29 -export([foreign_event/3,
30 user_open_session/3,
31 user_terminate/3,
32 reroute_unacked_messages/3,
33 user_stop_request/3,
34 user_socket_closed/3,
35 user_socket_error/3]).
37 %%% @doc Event triggered after a user sends _any_ packet to the server.
38 %%% Examples of handlers can be metrics, archives, and any other subsystem
39 %%% that wants to see all stanzas the user delivers.
40 -spec user_send_packet(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
41 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
42 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
43 Params :: params(),
44 Result :: result().
45 user_send_packet(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
46 10789 gen_hook:run_fold(user_send_packet, HostType, Acc, Params).
48 %% @doc Triggered when a user receives a packet through any routing mechanism.
49 %% Examples of handlers can be metrics or carbons.
50 -spec user_receive_packet(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
51 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
52 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
53 Params :: params(),
54 Result :: result().
55 user_receive_packet(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
56 16896 gen_hook:run_fold(user_receive_packet, HostType, Acc, Params).
58 %% @doc Triggered when the user sends a stanza of type `message'
59 -spec user_send_message(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
60 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
61 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
62 Params :: params(),
63 Result :: result().
64 user_send_message(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
65 1686 gen_hook:run_fold(user_send_message, HostType, Acc, Params).
67 %% @doc Triggered when the user sends a stanza of type `iq'
68 -spec user_send_iq(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
69 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
70 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
71 Params :: params(),
72 Result :: result().
73 user_send_iq(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
74 5285 Acc1 = mongoose_iq:update_acc_info(Acc),
75 5285 gen_hook:run_fold(user_send_iq, HostType, Acc1, Params).
77 %% @doc Triggered when the user sends a stanza of type `presence'
78 -spec user_send_presence(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
79 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
80 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
81 Params :: params(),
82 Result :: result().
83 user_send_presence(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
84 3666 gen_hook:run_fold(user_send_presence, HostType, Acc, Params).
86 %% @doc Triggered when the user sends a packet which is not a proper XMPP stanza, i.e.,
87 %% it is not of types `message', `iq', nor `presence'.
88 -spec user_send_xmlel(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
89 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
90 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
91 Params :: params(),
92 Result :: result().
93 user_send_xmlel(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
94 600 gen_hook:run_fold(user_send_xmlel, HostType, Acc, Params).
97 %% @doc Triggered when the user received a stanza of type `message'
98 -spec user_receive_message(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
99 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
100 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
101 Params :: params(),
102 Result :: result().
103 user_receive_message(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
104 2482 gen_hook:run_fold(user_receive_message, HostType, Acc, Params).
106 %% @doc Triggered when the user received a stanza of type `iq'
107 -spec user_receive_iq(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
108 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
109 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
110 Params :: params(),
111 Result :: result().
112 user_receive_iq(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
113 6358 Acc1 = mongoose_iq:update_acc_info(Acc),
114 6358 gen_hook:run_fold(user_receive_iq, HostType, Acc1, Params).
116 %% @doc Triggered when the user received a stanza of type `presence'
117 -spec user_receive_presence(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
118 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
119 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
120 Params :: params(),
121 Result :: result().
122 user_receive_presence(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
123 8051 gen_hook:run_fold(user_receive_presence, HostType, Acc, Params).
125 %% @doc Triggered when the user received a packet which is not a proper XMPP stanza, i.e.,
126 %% it is not of types `message', `iq', nor `presence'.
127 -spec user_receive_xmlel(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
128 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
129 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
130 Params :: params(),
131 Result :: result().
132 user_receive_xmlel(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
133 1 gen_hook:run_fold(user_receive_xmlel, HostType, Acc, Params).
135 -spec xmpp_presend_element(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
136 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
137 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
138 Params :: params(),
139 Result :: result().
140 xmpp_presend_element(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
141 13719 gen_hook:run_fold(xmpp_presend_element, HostType, Acc, Params).
143 %% @doc Triggered when the c2s statem process receives any event it is not defined to handle.
144 %% These events should not by default stop the process, and they are expected to
145 %% be handled by a single event handler, which should then stop the hook fold.
146 %% If no handler handles the event, it is logged.
147 -spec foreign_event(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
148 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
149 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
150 Params :: map(),
151 Result :: result().
152 foreign_event(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
153 919 gen_hook:run_fold(foreign_event, HostType, Acc, Params).
155 %% @doc Triggered when the user binds a resource and attempts to open a session
156 %% This is ran _before_ registering the user in the session table.
157 %% If any handler returns a `stop' tag, the session establishment is rejected
158 %% and the user may be allowed to retry
159 -spec user_open_session(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
160 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
161 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
162 Params :: params(),
163 Result :: result().
164 user_open_session(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
165 3219 gen_hook:run_fold(user_open_session, HostType, Acc, Params).
167 %% @doc Triggered when the user session is irrevocably terminating.
168 %% This is ran _before_ removing the user from the session table and closing his socket.
169 -spec user_terminate(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
170 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
171 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
172 Params :: params(),
173 Result :: mongoose_acc:t().
174 user_terminate(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
175 4400 {_, Res} = gen_hook:run_fold(user_terminate, HostType, Acc, Params),
176 4400 Res.
178 %% @doc Triggered when the user session is irrevocably terminating.
179 %% This is ran _after_ removing the user from the session table, but before closing the socket
180 -spec reroute_unacked_messages(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
181 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
182 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
183 Params :: params(),
184 Result :: mongoose_acc:t().
185 reroute_unacked_messages(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
186 4400 {_, Res} = gen_hook:run_fold(reroute_unacked_messages, HostType, Acc, Params),
187 4400 Res.
189 %% These conditions required that one and only one handler declared full control over it,
190 %% by making the hook stop at that point. If so, the process remains alive,
191 %% in control of the handler, otherwise, the condition is treated as terminal.
192 %% See `mongoose_c2s:stop_if_unhandled/3'
194 %% @doc Triggered when an external event requests the connection to be closed.
195 -spec user_stop_request(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
196 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
197 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
198 Params :: params(),
199 Result :: result().
200 user_stop_request(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
201 16 gen_hook:run_fold(user_stop_request, HostType, Acc, Params).
203 %% @doc Triggered when the socket dies.
204 -spec user_socket_closed(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
205 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
206 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
207 Params :: params(),
208 Result :: result().
209 user_socket_closed(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
210 264 gen_hook:run_fold(user_socket_closed, HostType, Acc, Params).
212 %% @doc Triggered when the socket errors out.
213 -spec user_socket_error(HostType, Acc, Params) -> Result when
214 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
215 Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(),
216 Params :: params(),
217 Result :: result().
218 user_socket_error(HostType, Acc, Params) ->
gen_hook:run_fold(user_socket_error, HostType, Acc, Params).
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