1 |
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- |
2 |
%%% @author Uvarov Michael <arcusfelis@gmail.com> |
3 |
%%% @copyright (C) 2013, Uvarov Michael |
4 |
%%% @doc RDBMS backend for MUC Message Archive Management. |
5 |
%%% @end |
6 |
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- |
7 |
-module(mod_mam_muc_rdbms_arch). |
8 |
9 |
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
10 |
%% Exports |
11 |
12 |
%% gen_mod handlers |
13 |
-export([start/2, stop/1, hooks/1, supported_features/0]). |
14 |
15 |
%% MAM hook handlers |
16 |
-behaviour(ejabberd_gen_mam_archive). |
17 |
-behaviour(gen_mod). |
18 |
-behaviour(mongoose_module_metrics). |
19 |
20 |
-callback encode(term()) -> binary(). |
21 |
-callback decode(binary()) -> term(). |
22 |
23 |
-export([archive_size/3, |
24 |
archive_message/3, |
25 |
lookup_messages/3, |
26 |
remove_archive/3, |
27 |
remove_domain/3, |
28 |
get_mam_muc_gdpr_data/3]). |
29 |
30 |
%% Called from mod_mam_muc_rdbms_async_pool_writer |
31 |
-export([prepare_message/2, retract_message/2, prepare_insert/2]). |
32 |
-export([extend_params_with_sender_id/2]). |
33 |
34 |
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
35 |
%% Imports |
36 |
37 |
-include("mongoose.hrl"). |
38 |
-include("jlib.hrl"). |
39 |
-include("mongoose_mam.hrl"). |
40 |
41 |
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
42 |
%% Types |
43 |
44 |
-type env_vars() :: mod_mam_rdbms_arch:env_vars(). |
45 |
-type host_type() :: mongooseim:host_type(). |
46 |
47 |
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
48 |
%% gen_mod callbacks |
49 |
%% Starting and stopping functions for users' archives |
50 |
51 |
-spec start(host_type(), gen_mod:module_opts()) -> ok. |
52 |
start(_HostType, Opts) -> |
53 |
62 |
register_prepared_queries(Opts), |
54 |
62 |
ok. |
55 |
56 |
-spec stop(host_type()) -> ok. |
57 |
stop(_HostType) -> |
58 |
62 |
ok. |
59 |
60 |
-spec supported_features() -> [atom()]. |
61 |
supported_features() -> |
62 |
:-( |
[dynamic_domains]. |
63 |
64 |
-spec get_mam_muc_gdpr_data(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when |
65 |
Acc :: ejabberd_gen_mam_archive:mam_muc_gdpr_data(), |
66 |
Params :: #{jid := jid:jid()}, |
67 |
Extra :: gen_hook:extra(). |
68 |
get_mam_muc_gdpr_data(Acc, #{jid := #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer}}, #{host_type := HostType}) -> |
69 |
47 |
case mod_mam_pm:archive_id(LServer, LUser) of |
70 |
undefined -> |
71 |
:-( |
{ok, Acc}; |
72 |
SenderID -> |
73 |
%% We don't know the real room JID here, use FakeEnv |
74 |
47 |
FakeEnv = env_vars(HostType, jid:make(<<>>, <<>>, <<>>)), |
75 |
47 |
{selected, Rows} = extract_gdpr_messages(HostType, SenderID), |
76 |
47 |
{ok, [mam_decoder:decode_muc_gdpr_row(Row, FakeEnv) || Row <- Rows] ++ Acc} |
77 |
end. |
78 |
79 |
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
80 |
%% Add hooks for mod_mam_pm |
81 |
82 |
-spec hooks(mongooseim:host_type()) -> gen_hook:hook_list(). |
83 |
hooks(HostType) -> |
84 |
case gen_mod:get_module_opt(HostType, ?MODULE, no_writer) of |
85 |
true -> |
86 |
58 |
[]; |
87 |
false -> |
88 |
66 |
[{mam_muc_archive_message, HostType, fun ?MODULE:archive_message/3, #{}, 50}] |
89 |
124 |
end ++ |
90 |
[ |
91 |
{remove_domain, HostType, fun ?MODULE:remove_domain/3, #{}, 50}, |
92 |
{mam_muc_archive_size, HostType, fun ?MODULE:archive_size/3, #{}, 50}, |
93 |
{mam_muc_lookup_messages, HostType, fun ?MODULE:lookup_messages/3, #{}, 50}, |
94 |
{mam_muc_remove_archive, HostType, fun ?MODULE:remove_archive/3, #{}, 50}, |
95 |
{get_mam_muc_gdpr_data, HostType, fun ?MODULE:get_mam_muc_gdpr_data/3, #{}, 50} |
96 |
]. |
97 |
98 |
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
99 |
%% SQL queries |
100 |
101 |
register_prepared_queries(Opts) -> |
102 |
62 |
prepare_insert(insert_mam_muc_message, 1), |
103 |
62 |
mongoose_rdbms:prepare(mam_muc_archive_remove, mam_muc_message, [room_id], |
104 |
<<"DELETE FROM mam_muc_message " |
105 |
"WHERE room_id = ?">>), |
106 |
107 |
%% Domain Removal |
108 |
62 |
prepare_remove_domain(Opts), |
109 |
110 |
62 |
mongoose_rdbms:prepare(mam_muc_make_tombstone, mam_muc_message, [message, room_id, id], |
111 |
<<"UPDATE mam_muc_message SET message = ?, search_body = '' " |
112 |
"WHERE room_id = ? AND id = ?">>), |
113 |
62 |
{LimitSQL, LimitMSSQL} = rdbms_queries:get_db_specific_limits_binaries(1), |
114 |
62 |
mongoose_rdbms:prepare(mam_muc_select_messages_to_retract_on_origin_id, mam_muc_message, |
115 |
[room_id, sender_id, origin_id], |
116 |
<<"SELECT ", LimitMSSQL/binary, |
117 |
" id, message FROM mam_muc_message" |
118 |
" WHERE room_id = ? AND sender_id = ? " |
119 |
" AND origin_id = ?" |
120 |
" ORDER BY id DESC ", LimitSQL/binary>>), |
121 |
62 |
mongoose_rdbms:prepare(mam_muc_select_messages_to_retract_on_stanza_id, mam_muc_message, |
122 |
[room_id, sender_id, id], |
123 |
<<"SELECT ", LimitMSSQL/binary, |
124 |
" origin_id, message FROM mam_muc_message" |
125 |
" WHERE room_id = ? AND sender_id = ? " |
126 |
" AND id = ?" |
127 |
" ORDER BY id DESC ", LimitSQL/binary>>), |
128 |
62 |
mongoose_rdbms:prepare(mam_muc_extract_gdpr_messages, mam_muc_message, [sender_id], |
129 |
<<"SELECT id, message FROM mam_muc_message " |
130 |
" WHERE sender_id = ? ORDER BY id">>). |
131 |
132 |
prepare_remove_domain(#{delete_domain_limit := infinity}) -> |
133 |
60 |
mongoose_rdbms:prepare(mam_muc_remove_domain, mam_muc_message, ['mam_server_user.server'], |
134 |
<<"DELETE FROM mam_muc_message " |
135 |
"WHERE room_id IN (SELECT id FROM mam_server_user where server = ?)">>), |
136 |
60 |
mongoose_rdbms:prepare(mam_muc_remove_domain_users, mam_server_user, [server], |
137 |
<<"DELETE FROM mam_server_user WHERE server = ? ">>); |
138 |
prepare_remove_domain(#{delete_domain_limit := Limit}) -> |
139 |
2 |
LimitSQL = case mongoose_rdbms:db_type() of |
140 |
:-( |
mssql -> throw(delete_domain_limit_not_supported_for_mssql); |
141 |
2 |
_ -> {MaybeLimitSQL, _} = rdbms_queries:get_db_specific_limits_binaries(Limit), |
142 |
2 |
MaybeLimitSQL |
143 |
end, |
144 |
2 |
IdTable = <<"(SELECT * FROM ", |
145 |
"(SELECT msg.room_id, msg.id FROM mam_muc_message msg", |
146 |
" INNER JOIN mam_server_user msu ON msu.id=msg.room_id", |
147 |
" WHERE msu.server = ? ", LimitSQL/binary, ") AS T)">>, |
148 |
2 |
mongoose_rdbms:prepare(mam_muc_incr_remove_domain, mam_muc_message, ['mam_server_user.server'], |
149 |
<<"DELETE FROM mam_muc_message WHERE (room_id, id) IN ", IdTable/binary>>), |
150 |
2 |
ServerTable = <<"(SELECT * FROM", |
151 |
"(SELECT id FROM mam_server_user WHERE server = ? ", LimitSQL/binary, ") as t)">>, |
152 |
2 |
mongoose_rdbms:prepare(mam_muc_incr_remove_domain_users, mam_server_user, [server], |
153 |
<<"DELETE FROM mam_server_user WHERE id IN ", ServerTable/binary>>). |
154 |
155 |
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
156 |
%% Declarative logic |
157 |
158 |
db_mappings() -> |
159 |
2644 |
[#db_mapping{column = id, param = message_id, format = int}, |
160 |
#db_mapping{column = room_id, param = archive_id, format = int}, |
161 |
#db_mapping{column = sender_id, param = sender_id, format = int}, |
162 |
#db_mapping{column = nick_name, param = source_jid, format = jid_resource}, |
163 |
#db_mapping{column = origin_id, param = origin_id, format = maybe_string}, |
164 |
#db_mapping{column = message, param = packet, format = xml}, |
165 |
#db_mapping{column = search_body, param = packet, format = search}]. |
166 |
167 |
lookup_fields() -> |
168 |
512 |
[#lookup_field{op = equal, column = room_id, param = archive_id, required = true}, |
169 |
#lookup_field{op = ge, column = id, param = start_id}, |
170 |
#lookup_field{op = le, column = id, param = end_id}, |
171 |
#lookup_field{op = equal, column = nick_name, param = remote_resource}, |
172 |
#lookup_field{op = like, column = search_body, param = norm_search_text, value_maker = search_words}, |
173 |
#lookup_field{op = equal, column = id, param = message_id}]. |
174 |
175 |
-spec env_vars(host_type(), jid:jid()) -> env_vars(). |
176 |
env_vars(HostType, ArcJID) -> |
177 |
%% Please, minimize the usage of the host field. |
178 |
%% It's only for passing into RDBMS. |
179 |
4419 |
#{host_type => HostType, |
180 |
archive_jid => ArcJID, |
181 |
table => mam_muc_message, |
182 |
index_hint_fn => fun index_hint_sql/1, |
183 |
columns_sql_fn => fun columns_sql/1, |
184 |
column_to_id_fn => fun column_to_id/1, |
185 |
lookup_fn => fun lookup_query/5, |
186 |
decode_row_fn => fun row_to_uniform_format/2, |
187 |
has_message_retraction => mod_mam_utils:has_message_retraction(mod_mam_muc, HostType), |
188 |
has_full_text_search => mod_mam_utils:has_full_text_search(mod_mam_muc, HostType), |
189 |
db_jid_codec => mod_mam_utils:db_jid_codec(HostType, ?MODULE), |
190 |
db_message_codec => mod_mam_utils:db_message_codec(HostType, ?MODULE)}. |
191 |
192 |
row_to_uniform_format(Row, Env) -> |
193 |
1808 |
mam_decoder:decode_muc_row(Row, Env). |
194 |
195 |
-spec index_hint_sql(env_vars()) -> string(). |
196 |
26 |
index_hint_sql(_) -> "". |
197 |
198 |
16 |
columns_sql(lookup) -> "id, nick_name, message"; |
199 |
10 |
columns_sql(count) -> "COUNT(*)". |
200 |
201 |
362 |
column_to_id(id) -> "i"; |
202 |
1233 |
column_to_id(room_id) -> "u"; |
203 |
14 |
column_to_id(nick_name) -> "n"; |
204 |
21 |
column_to_id(search_body) -> "s". |
205 |
206 |
column_names(Mappings) -> |
207 |
108 |
[Column || #db_mapping{column = Column} <- Mappings]. |
208 |
209 |
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
210 |
%% Options |
211 |
212 |
-spec get_retract_id(exml:element(), env_vars()) -> none | mod_mam_utils:retraction_id(). |
213 |
get_retract_id(Packet, #{has_message_retraction := Enabled}) -> |
214 |
2536 |
mod_mam_utils:get_retract_id(Enabled, Packet). |
215 |
216 |
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
217 |
%% Internal functions and callbacks |
218 |
219 |
-spec archive_size(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when |
220 |
Acc :: integer(), |
221 |
Params :: #{archive_id := mod_mam:archive_id() | undefined, room := jid:jid()}, |
222 |
Extra :: gen_hook:extra(). |
223 |
archive_size(Size, #{archive_id := ArcID, room := ArcJID}, #{host_type := HostType}) when is_integer(Size) -> |
224 |
602 |
Filter = [{equal, room_id, ArcID}], |
225 |
602 |
Env = env_vars(HostType, ArcJID), |
226 |
602 |
Result = lookup_query(count, Env, Filter, unordered, all), |
227 |
602 |
{ok, mongoose_rdbms:selected_to_integer(Result)}. |
228 |
229 |
extend_params_with_sender_id(HostType, Params = #{remote_jid := SenderJID}) -> |
230 |
2536 |
BareSenderJID = jid:to_bare(SenderJID), |
231 |
2536 |
SenderID = mod_mam_pm:archive_id_int(HostType, BareSenderJID), |
232 |
2536 |
Params#{sender_id => SenderID}. |
233 |
234 |
-spec archive_message(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when |
235 |
Acc :: ok, |
236 |
Params :: mod_mam:archive_message_params(), |
237 |
Extra :: gen_hook:extra(). |
238 |
archive_message(_Result, #{local_jid := ArcJID} = Params0, #{host_type := HostType}) -> |
239 |
1814 |
try |
240 |
1814 |
Params = extend_params_with_sender_id(HostType, Params0), |
241 |
1814 |
Env = env_vars(HostType, ArcJID), |
242 |
1814 |
do_archive_message(HostType, Params, Env), |
243 |
1814 |
retract_message(HostType, Params, Env), |
244 |
1814 |
{ok, ok} |
245 |
catch error:Reason:StackTrace -> |
246 |
:-( |
?LOG_ERROR(#{what => archive_message_failed, |
247 |
host_type => HostType, mam_params => Params0, |
248 |
:-( |
reason => Reason, stacktrace => StackTrace}), |
249 |
:-( |
erlang:raise(error, Reason, StackTrace) |
250 |
end. |
251 |
252 |
do_archive_message(HostType, Params, Env) -> |
253 |
1814 |
Row = mam_encoder:encode_message(Params, Env, db_mappings()), |
254 |
1814 |
{updated, 1} = mongoose_rdbms:execute_successfully(HostType, insert_mam_muc_message, Row). |
255 |
256 |
%% Retraction logic |
257 |
%% Called after inserting a new message |
258 |
-spec retract_message(mongooseim:host_type(), mod_mam:archive_message_params()) -> ok. |
259 |
retract_message(HostType, #{local_jid := ArcJID} = Params) -> |
260 |
722 |
Env = env_vars(HostType, ArcJID), |
261 |
722 |
retract_message(HostType, Params, Env). |
262 |
263 |
-spec retract_message(mongooseim:host_type(), mod_mam:archive_message_params(), env_vars()) -> ok. |
264 |
retract_message(HostType, #{archive_id := ArcID, sender_id := SenderID, |
265 |
packet := Packet} = Params, Env) -> |
266 |
2536 |
case get_retract_id(Packet, Env) of |
267 |
2515 |
none -> ok; |
268 |
RetractionId -> |
269 |
21 |
Info = get_retraction_info(HostType, ArcID, SenderID, RetractionId, Env), |
270 |
21 |
make_tombstone(HostType, ArcID, RetractionId, Info, Params, Env) |
271 |
end. |
272 |
273 |
get_retraction_info(HostType, ArcID, SenderID, RetractionId, Env) -> |
274 |
21 |
{selected, Rows} = |
275 |
execute_select_messages_to_retract(HostType, ArcID, SenderID, RetractionId), |
276 |
21 |
mam_decoder:decode_retraction_info(Env, Rows, RetractionId). |
277 |
278 |
make_tombstone(_HostType, ArcID, RetractionId, skip, _Params, _Env) -> |
279 |
7 |
?LOG_INFO(#{what => make_tombstone_failed, |
280 |
text => <<"Message to retract was not found">>, |
281 |
7 |
user_id => ArcID, retraction_context => RetractionId}); |
282 |
make_tombstone(HostType, ArcID, _RetractionId, |
283 |
RetractionInfo = #{message_id := MessID}, Params, |
284 |
#{archive_jid := ArcJID} = Env) -> |
285 |
14 |
RetractionInfo1 = mongoose_hooks:mam_muc_retraction(HostType, RetractionInfo, Params), |
286 |
14 |
Tombstone = mod_mam_utils:tombstone(RetractionInfo1, ArcJID), |
287 |
14 |
TombstoneData = mam_encoder:encode_packet(Tombstone, Env), |
288 |
14 |
execute_make_tombstone(HostType, TombstoneData, ArcID, MessID). |
289 |
290 |
execute_select_messages_to_retract(HostType, ArcID, SenderID, {origin_id, OriginID}) -> |
291 |
14 |
mongoose_rdbms:execute_successfully(HostType, mam_muc_select_messages_to_retract_on_origin_id, |
292 |
[ArcID, SenderID, OriginID]); |
293 |
execute_select_messages_to_retract(HostType, ArcID, SenderID, {stanza_id, BinStanzaId}) -> |
294 |
7 |
StanzaId = mod_mam_utils:external_binary_to_mess_id(BinStanzaId), |
295 |
7 |
mongoose_rdbms:execute_successfully(HostType, mam_muc_select_messages_to_retract_on_stanza_id, |
296 |
[ArcID, SenderID, StanzaId]). |
297 |
298 |
execute_make_tombstone(HostType, TombstoneData, ArcID, MessID) -> |
299 |
14 |
mongoose_rdbms:execute_successfully(HostType, mam_muc_make_tombstone, |
300 |
[TombstoneData, ArcID, MessID]). |
301 |
302 |
%% Insert logic |
303 |
-spec prepare_message(mongooseim:host_type(), mod_mam:archive_message_params()) -> list(). |
304 |
prepare_message(HostType, Params = #{local_jid := ArcJID}) -> |
305 |
722 |
Env = env_vars(HostType, ArcJID), |
306 |
722 |
mam_encoder:encode_message(Params, Env, db_mappings()). |
307 |
308 |
-spec prepare_insert(Name :: atom(), NumRows :: pos_integer()) -> ok. |
309 |
prepare_insert(Name, NumRows) -> |
310 |
108 |
Table = mam_muc_message, |
311 |
108 |
Fields = column_names(db_mappings()), |
312 |
108 |
{Query, Fields2} = rdbms_queries:create_bulk_insert_query(Table, Fields, NumRows), |
313 |
108 |
mongoose_rdbms:prepare(Name, Table, Fields2, Query), |
314 |
108 |
ok. |
315 |
316 |
%% Removal logic |
317 |
-spec remove_archive(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when |
318 |
Acc :: mongoose_acc:t(), |
319 |
Params :: #{archive_id := mod_mam:archive_id() | undefined, room := jid:jid()}, |
320 |
Extra :: gen_hook:extra(). |
321 |
remove_archive(Acc, #{archive_id := ArcID}, #{host_type := HostType}) -> |
322 |
553 |
mongoose_rdbms:execute_successfully(HostType, mam_muc_archive_remove, [ArcID]), |
323 |
553 |
{ok, Acc}. |
324 |
325 |
-spec remove_domain(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok | stop, Acc} when |
326 |
Acc :: mongoose_domain_api:remove_domain_acc(), |
327 |
Params :: map(), |
328 |
Extra :: gen_hook:extra(). |
329 |
remove_domain(Acc, #{domain := Domain}, #{host_type := HostType}) -> |
330 |
5 |
F = fun() -> |
331 |
5 |
case gen_mod:get_module_opt(HostType, ?MODULE, delete_domain_limit) of |
332 |
3 |
infinity -> remove_domain_all(HostType, Domain); |
333 |
2 |
Limit -> remove_domain_batch(HostType, Domain, Limit) |
334 |
end, |
335 |
5 |
Acc |
336 |
end, |
337 |
5 |
mongoose_domain_api:remove_domain_wrapper(Acc, F, ?MODULE). |
338 |
339 |
-spec remove_domain_all(host_type(), jid:lserver()) -> any(). |
340 |
remove_domain_all(HostType, Domain) -> |
341 |
3 |
SubHosts = get_subhosts(HostType, Domain), |
342 |
3 |
{atomic, _} = mongoose_rdbms:sql_transaction(HostType, fun() -> |
343 |
3 |
[remove_domain_trans(HostType, SubHost) || SubHost <- SubHosts] |
344 |
end). |
345 |
346 |
-spec remove_domain_batch(host_type(), jid:lserver(), non_neg_integer()) -> any(). |
347 |
remove_domain_batch(HostType, Domain, Limit) -> |
348 |
2 |
SubHosts = get_subhosts(HostType, Domain), |
349 |
2 |
DeleteQueries = [mam_muc_incr_remove_domain, mam_muc_incr_remove_domain_users], |
350 |
2 |
DelSubHost = [ mod_mam_utils:incremental_delete_domain(HostType, SubHost, Limit, DeleteQueries, 0) |
351 |
2 |
|| SubHost <- SubHosts], |
352 |
2 |
TotalDeleted = lists:sum(DelSubHost), |
353 |
2 |
?LOG_INFO(#{what => mam_muc_domain_removal_completed, total_records_deleted => TotalDeleted, |
354 |
2 |
domain => Domain, host_type => HostType}). |
355 |
356 |
remove_domain_trans(HostType, MucHost) -> |
357 |
3 |
mongoose_rdbms:execute_successfully(HostType, mam_muc_remove_domain, [MucHost]), |
358 |
3 |
mongoose_rdbms:execute_successfully(HostType, mam_muc_remove_domain_users, [MucHost]). |
359 |
360 |
get_subhosts(HostType, Domain) -> |
361 |
5 |
lists:usort( |
362 |
10 |
lists:flatmap(fun(Module) -> get_subhosts_for_module(HostType, Domain, Module) end, |
363 |
[mod_muc, mod_muc_light])). |
364 |
365 |
get_subhosts_for_module(HostType, Domain, Module) -> |
366 |
10 |
case gen_mod:get_module_opts(HostType, Module) of |
367 |
#{host := HostPattern} -> |
368 |
5 |
[mongoose_subdomain_utils:get_fqdn(HostPattern, Domain)]; |
369 |
#{} -> |
370 |
5 |
[] |
371 |
end. |
372 |
373 |
%% GDPR logic |
374 |
extract_gdpr_messages(HostType, SenderID) -> |
375 |
47 |
mongoose_rdbms:execute_successfully(HostType, mam_muc_extract_gdpr_messages, [SenderID]). |
376 |
377 |
%% Lookup logic |
378 |
-spec lookup_messages(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when |
379 |
Acc :: {ok, mod_mam:lookup_result()}, |
380 |
Params :: mam_iq:lookup_params(), |
381 |
Extra :: gen_hook:extra(). |
382 |
lookup_messages(_Result, #{owner_jid := ArcJID} = Params, #{host_type := HostType}) -> |
383 |
512 |
Env = env_vars(HostType, ArcJID), |
384 |
512 |
ExdParams = mam_encoder:extend_lookup_params(Params, Env), |
385 |
512 |
Filter = mam_filter:produce_filter(ExdParams, lookup_fields()), |
386 |
512 |
try |
387 |
512 |
{ok, mam_lookup:lookup(Env, Filter, ExdParams)} |
388 |
catch _Type:Reason -> |
389 |
7 |
{ok, {error, Reason}} |
390 |
end. |
391 |
392 |
lookup_query(QueryType, Env, Filters, Order, OffsetLimit) -> |
393 |
1233 |
mam_lookup_sql:lookup_query(QueryType, Env, Filters, Order, OffsetLimit). |