
1 -module(mod_http_upload_api).
3 -export([get_urls/5]).
5 -spec get_urls(Domain :: jid:lserver(), Filename :: nonempty_binary(), Size :: pos_integer(),
6 ContentType :: binary() | null | undefined, Timeout :: pos_integer()) ->
7 {ok, #{binary() => term()}}
8 | {size_error | timeout_error | module_not_loaded_error | domain_not_found |
9 file_too_large_error, string()}.
10 get_urls(Domain, Filename, Size, ContentType, Timeout) ->
11 16 ContentType1 = content_type(ContentType),
12 16 case mongoose_domain_api:get_domain_host_type(Domain) of
13 {ok, HostType} ->
14 14 check_module_and_get_urls(HostType, Filename, Size, ContentType1, Timeout);
15 _ ->
16 2 {domain_not_found, "domain does not exist"}
17 end.
19 3 content_type(null) -> undefined;
20 3 content_type(<<>>) -> undefined;
21 10 content_type(Binary) -> Binary.
23 check_module_and_get_urls(HostType, Filename, Size, ContentType, Timeout) ->
24 14 case gen_mod:is_loaded(HostType, mod_http_upload) of
25 true ->
26 14 case mod_http_upload:get_urls(HostType, Filename, Size, ContentType, Timeout) of
27 {PutURL, GetURL, Headers} ->
28 11 Headers1 = lists:map(fun({Name, Value}) -> {ok, #{<<"name">> => Name, <<"value">> => Value}} end,
29 maps:to_list(Headers)),
30 11 {ok, #{<<"putUrl">> => PutURL, <<"getUrl">> => GetURL,
31 <<"headers">> => Headers1}};
32 file_too_large_error ->
33 3 {file_too_large_error,
34 "Declared file size exceeds the host's maximum file size."}
35 end;
36 false ->
{module_not_loaded_error, "mod_http_upload is not loaded for this host"}
38 end.
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