
1 -module(mongoose_shaper).
3 -export([child_spec/0]).
4 -export([new/1, update/2, wait/5, reset_all_shapers/1]).
5 -ignore_xref([reset_all_shapers/1]).
7 -type shaper() :: opuntia:shaper().
8 -export_type([shaper/0]).
10 -spec child_spec() -> supervisor:child_spec().
11 child_spec() ->
12 93 WPoolOpts = [{workers, 10}, {worker, {opuntia_srv, {?MODULE, #{}}}}],
13 93 #{id => ?MODULE,
14 start => {wpool, start_pool, [?MODULE, WPoolOpts]},
15 restart => permanent,
16 shutdown => infinity,
17 type => supervisor}.
19 -spec new(atom()) -> opuntia:shaper().
20 new(Name) ->
21 11655 opuntia:new(get_shaper_config(Name)).
23 -spec update(opuntia:shaper(), opuntia:tokens()) -> {opuntia:shaper(), opuntia:delay()}.
24 update(Shaper, Tokens) ->
25 51252 opuntia:update(Shaper, Tokens).
27 %% @doc Shapes the caller from executing the action.
28 -spec wait(HostType :: mongooseim:host_type_or_global(),
29 Domain :: jid:lserver(),
30 Action :: atom(),
31 FromJID :: jid:jid(),
32 Size :: integer()) -> continue | {error, max_delay_reached}.
33 wait(HostType, Domain, Action, FromJID, Size) ->
34 3936 Worker = wpool_pool:hash_worker(?MODULE, FromJID),
35 3936 Config = get_shaper_config(get_shaper_name(HostType, Domain, Action, FromJID)),
36 3936 Key = new_key(Domain, Action, FromJID),
37 3936 opuntia_srv:wait(Worker, Key, Size, Config).
39 -type key() :: {global | jid:server(), atom(), jid:jid()}.
40 -spec new_key(jid:server() | global, atom(), jid:jid()) -> key().
41 new_key(Domain, Action, FromJID) ->
42 3936 {Domain, Action, FromJID}.
44 %% @doc Ask all shaper servers to forget current shapers and read settings again
45 reset_all_shapers(_HostType) ->
46 1 [ opuntia_srv:reset_shapers(ProcName) || ProcName <- wpool:get_workers(?MODULE) ],
47 1 ok.
49 -spec get_shaper_name(HostType :: mongooseim:host_type_or_global(),
50 Domain :: global | jid:server(),
51 Action :: atom(),
52 FromJID :: jid:jid()) -> allow | none.
53 get_shaper_name(HostType, Domain, Action, FromJID) ->
54 3936 case acl:match_rule(HostType, Domain, Action, FromJID) of
55 2998 deny -> default_shaper();
56 938 Value -> Value
57 end.
59 -spec get_shaper_config(atom()) -> number().
60 get_shaper_config(Name) ->
61 15591 case mongoose_config:lookup_opt([shaper, Name]) of
62 {ok, #{max_rate := MaxRatePerSecond}} ->
63 938 #{bucket_size => MaxRatePerSecond, rate => MaxRatePerSecond,
64 time_unit => second, start_full => true};
65 {error, not_found} ->
66 14653 0
67 end.
69 default_shaper() ->
70 2998 none.
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