=== Test case: graphql_mnesia_SUITE:change_nodename_test/1 (click for source code)

=== Config value:


=== Current directory is "/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@f05a521485b1.2024-04-23_06.47.08"

=== Started at 2024-04-23 06:51:57

*** CT 2024-04-23 06:51:57.585 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when started🔗 mongooseim@localhost_1600.html

*** User 2024-04-23 06:51:57.893 ***🔗
Execute /home/circleci/project/_build/mim1/rel/mongooseim/bin/mongooseimctl  mnesia backup --path change_nodename_mnesia_test
Result "{\n  \"data\" : {\n    \"mnesia\" : {\n      \"backup\" : \"Mnesia backup was successfully created\"\n    }\n  }\n}\n"
ExitStatus 0

*** User 2024-04-23 06:51:57.893 ***🔗
  "data" : {
    "mnesia" : {
      "backup" : "Mnesia backup was successfully created"

*** User 2024-04-23 06:51:58.193 ***🔗
Execute /home/circleci/project/_build/mim1/rel/mongooseim/bin/mongooseimctl  mnesia changeNodename --fromString mongooseim@localhost --source change_nodename_mnesia_test --target change_nodename2_mnesia_test --toString change_nodename_test@localhost
Result "\n * Checking table: 'pubsub_node'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'muc_online_room'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'muc_registered'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'pubsub_state'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'muc_room'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'pubsub_item'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n\n * Checking table: 'mongoose_cluster_id'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 's2s_shared'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'private_storage'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n\n * Checking table: 'session'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'schema'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'bosh_session'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'sm_session'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'muc_light_user_room'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'caps_features'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n\n * Checking table: 'pubsub_index'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'external_component'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'vcard'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'anonymous'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 's2s'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'offline_msg'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n\n * Checking table: 'roster_version'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'pubsub_subnode'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'last_activity'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'roster'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'muc_light_room'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'node_num'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'pubsub_subscription'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n\n * Checking table: 'muc_light_blocking'\n   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'\n     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'\n   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'\n{\n  \"data\" : {\n    \"mnesia\" : {\n      \"changeNodename\" : \"Name of the node in the backup was successfully changed\"\n    }\n  }\n}\n"
ExitStatus 0

*** User 2024-04-23 06:51:58.193 ***🔗

 * Checking table: 'pubsub_node'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'muc_online_room'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'muc_registered'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'pubsub_state'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'muc_room'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'pubsub_item'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'

 * Checking table: 'mongoose_cluster_id'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 's2s_shared'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'private_storage'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'

 * Checking table: 'session'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'schema'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'bosh_session'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'sm_session'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'muc_light_user_room'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'caps_features'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'

 * Checking table: 'pubsub_index'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'external_component'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'vcard'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'anonymous'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 's2s'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'offline_msg'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'

 * Checking table: 'roster_version'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'pubsub_subnode'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'last_activity'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'roster'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'muc_light_room'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'node_num'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'pubsub_subscription'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'

 * Checking table: 'muc_light_blocking'
   + Checking key: 'ram_copies'
   + Checking key: 'disc_copies'
     - Replacing nodename: 'mongooseim@localhost' with: 'change_nodename_test@localhost'
   + Checking key: 'disc_only_copies'
  "data" : {
    "mnesia" : {
      "changeNodename" : "Name of the node in the backup was successfully changed"

*** CT 2024-04-23 06:51:58.195 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when finished🔗 mongooseim@localhost_1600.html

=== Ended at 2024-04-23 06:51:58
=== successfully completed test case
=== === Returned value: ok

Test run history | Top level test index | Latest test result