Unexpected I/O

*** System report during muc04 in mam_SUITE 2024-04-23 06:28:38.142 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 23-Apr-2024::06:28:38.142215 ===
    reason: #{<<"batches">> => 1,<<"deleted">> => 0,
              <<"failures">> =>
                  [#{<<"cause">> =>
                         #{<<"index">> => <<"muc_messages">>,
                           <<"index_uuid">> => <<"0XSmesl7TZCnGJGMZOIAPA">>,
                           <<"reason">> =>
                               <<"[muc][alice_unnamed_199room0-6106-0@muc.localhost$438746550474452993]: version conflict, current version [2] is different than the one provided [1]">>,
                           <<"shard">> => <<"2">>,
                           <<"type">> =>
                     <<"id">> =>
                     <<"index">> => <<"muc_messages">>,<<"status">> => 409,
                     <<"type">> => <<"muc">>}],
              <<"noops">> => 0,<<"requests_per_second">> => -1.0,
              <<"retries">> => #{<<"bulk">> => 0,<<"search">> => 0},
              <<"throttled_millis">> => 0,<<"throttled_until_millis">> => 0,
              <<"timed_out">> => false,<<"took">> => 1,<<"total">> => 1,
              <<"version_conflicts">> => 1}
    server: <<"localhost">>
    what: remove_muc_archive_failed
    room_jid: {jid,<<"alice_unnamed_199room0-6106-0">>,<<"muc.localhost">>,

*** System report during muc06 in mam_SUITE 2024-04-23 06:28:46.086 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 23-Apr-2024::06:28:46.085514 ===
    reason: #{<<"batches">> => 1,<<"deleted">> => 0,
              <<"failures">> =>
                  [#{<<"cause">> =>
                         #{<<"index">> => <<"muc_messages">>,
                           <<"index_uuid">> => <<"0XSmesl7TZCnGJGMZOIAPA">>,
                           <<"reason">> =>
                               <<"[muc][alice_unnamed_212room0-6322-0@muc.localhost$438746550474457601]: version conflict, current version [2] is different than the one provided [1]">>,
                           <<"shard">> => <<"3">>,
                           <<"type">> =>
                     <<"id">> =>
                     <<"index">> => <<"muc_messages">>,<<"status">> => 409,
                     <<"type">> => <<"muc">>}],
              <<"noops">> => 0,<<"requests_per_second">> => -1.0,
              <<"retries">> => #{<<"bulk">> => 0,<<"search">> => 0},
              <<"throttled_millis">> => 0,<<"throttled_until_millis">> => 0,
              <<"timed_out">> => false,<<"took">> => 1,<<"total">> => 1,
              <<"version_conflicts">> => 1}
    server: <<"localhost">>
    what: remove_muc_archive_failed
    room_jid: {jid,<<"alice_unnamed_212room0-6322-0">>,<<"muc.localhost">>,

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