1 |
-module(mongoose_graphql_mnesia_admin_mutation). |
2 |
-behaviour(mongoose_graphql). |
3 |
4 |
-export([execute/4]). |
5 |
6 |
-import(mongoose_graphql_helper, [make_error/2, make_error/3]). |
7 |
8 |
-ignore_xref([execute/4]). |
9 |
10 |
-include("../mongoose_graphql_types.hrl"). |
11 |
12 |
execute(_Ctx, mnesia, <<"setMaster">>, #{<<"node">> := Node}) -> |
13 |
:-( |
case mnesia_api:set_master(Node) of |
14 |
:-( |
{ok, _} -> {ok, "Master node set"}; |
15 |
:-( |
Error -> make_error(Error, #{node => Node}) |
16 |
end; |
17 |
execute(_Ctx, mnesia, <<"backup">>, #{<<"path">> := Path}) -> |
18 |
:-( |
case mnesia_api:backup_mnesia(binary_to_list(Path)) of |
19 |
:-( |
{ok, _} -> {ok, "Mnesia backup was successfully created"}; |
20 |
:-( |
Error -> make_error(Error, #{path => Path}) |
21 |
end; |
22 |
execute(_Ctx, mnesia, <<"changeNodename">>, #{<<"fromString">> := FromString, |
23 |
<<"toString">> := ToString, <<"source">> := Source, <<"target">> := Target}) -> |
24 |
:-( |
case mnesia_api:mnesia_change_nodename(FromString, ToString, |
25 |
binary_to_list(Source), binary_to_list(Target)) of |
26 |
:-( |
{ok, _} -> {ok, "Name of the node in the backup was successfully changed"}; |
27 |
:-( |
Error -> make_error(Error, #{fromString => FromString, toString => ToString, |
28 |
source => Source, target => Target}) |
29 |
end; |
30 |
execute(_Ctx, mnesia, <<"restore">>, #{<<"path">> := Path}) -> |
31 |
:-( |
case mnesia_api:restore_mnesia(binary_to_list(Path)) of |
32 |
:-( |
{ok, _} -> {ok, "Mnesia was successfully restored"}; |
33 |
:-( |
Error -> make_error(Error, #{path => Path}) |
34 |
end; |
35 |
execute(_Ctx, mnesia, <<"dump">>, #{<<"path">> := Path}) -> |
36 |
:-( |
case mnesia_api:dump_mnesia(binary_to_list(Path)) of |
37 |
:-( |
{ok, _} -> {ok, "Mnesia successfully dumped"}; |
38 |
:-( |
Error -> make_error(Error, #{path => Path}) |
39 |
end; |
40 |
execute(_Ctx, mnesia, <<"dumpTable">>, #{<<"path">> := Path, <<"table">> := Table}) -> |
41 |
:-( |
case mnesia_api:dump_table(binary_to_list(Path), binary_to_list(Table)) of |
42 |
:-( |
{ok, _} -> {ok, "Mnesia table successfully dumped"}; |
43 |
:-( |
Error -> make_error(Error, #{path => Path, table => Table}) |
44 |
end; |
45 |
execute(_Ctx, mnesia, <<"load">>, #{<<"path">> := Path}) -> |
46 |
:-( |
case mnesia_api:load_mnesia(binary_to_list(Path)) of |
47 |
:-( |
{ok, _} -> {ok, "Mnesia was successfully loaded"}; |
48 |
:-( |
Error -> make_error(Error, #{path => Path}) |
49 |
end; |
50 |
execute(_Ctx, mnesia, <<"installFallback">>, #{<<"path">> := Path}) -> |
51 |
:-( |
case mnesia_api:install_fallback_mnesia(binary_to_list(Path)) of |
52 |
:-( |
{ok, _} -> {ok, "Fallback installed"}; |
53 |
:-( |
Error -> make_error(Error, #{path => Path}) |
54 |
end. |