=== Test case: mongooseimctl_SUITE:graphql_no_command/1 (click for source code)

=== Config value:


=== Current directory is "/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@712f6a561549.2024-04-22_14.41.30"

=== Started at 2024-04-22 14:54:24

*** CT 2024-04-22 14:54:24.137 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when started🔗 mongooseim@localhost_5433.html

*** User 2024-04-22 14:54:24.383 ***🔗
Execute /home/circleci/project/_build/mim1/rel/mongooseim/bin/mongooseimctl  account
Result "Usage: mongooseimctl account command arguments\n\nThe following commands are available in the category 'account':\n  banUser             Ban an account: kick sessions and set a random password \n  changeUserPassword  Change the password of a user \n  checkPassword       Check if a password is correct \n  checkPasswordHash   Check if a password hash is correct (allowed methods: \n                      md5, sha). Works only for a plain passwords \n  checkUser           Check if a user exists \n  countUsers          Get number of users per domain \n  importUsers         Import users from a CSV file \n  listUsers           List users per domain \n  registerUser        Register a user. Username will be generated when \n                      skipped \n  removeUser          Remove the user's account along with all the associated \n                      personal data \n\nTo list the arguments for a particular command:\n  mongooseimctl account command --help\n"
ExitStatus 0

*** User 2024-04-22 14:54:24.383 ***🔗
Usage: mongooseimctl account command arguments

The following commands are available in the category 'account':
  banUser             Ban an account: kick sessions and set a random password 
  changeUserPassword  Change the password of a user 
  checkPassword       Check if a password is correct 
  checkPasswordHash   Check if a password hash is correct (allowed methods: 
                      md5, sha). Works only for a plain passwords 
  checkUser           Check if a user exists 
  countUsers          Get number of users per domain 
  importUsers         Import users from a CSV file 
  listUsers           List users per domain 
  registerUser        Register a user. Username will be generated when 
  removeUser          Remove the user's account along with all the associated 
                      personal data 

To list the arguments for a particular command:
  mongooseimctl account command --help

*** CT 2024-04-22 14:54:24.385 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when finished🔗 mongooseim@localhost_5433.html

=== Ended at 2024-04-22 14:54:24
=== successfully completed test case
=== === Returned value: ok

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