=== Test case: graphql_mnesia_SUITE:set_master_empty_name_test/1 (click for source code)

=== Config value:

     {listener_opts,#{module => mongoose_graphql_handler,
                      path => "/api/graphql",host => "localhost",
                      username => <<"admin">>,password => <<"secret">>,
                      sse_idle_timeout => 3600000,schema_endpoint => admin}},

=== Current directory is "/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@6bd26896afa6.2024-04-22_14.32.22"

=== Started at 2024-04-22 14:39:20

*** CT 2024-04-22 14:39:20.357 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when started🔗 mongooseim@localhost_2884.html

*** User 2024-04-22 14:39:20.359 ***🔗
REST request fails:
Code: 400
Req: {<0.32871.0>,<<"/api/graphql">>,<<"POST">>,
       {<<"authorization">>,<<"Basic YWRtaW46c2VjcmV0">>}],
      <<"{\"variables\":{\"node\":\"\"},\"query\":\"mutation ($node: NodeName!) { mnesia { setMaster(node: $node) } }\"}">>}
Result: {{<<"400">>,<<"Bad Request">>},
          {<<"date">>,<<"Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:39:19 GMT">>},
         <<"{\"errors\":[{\"extensions\":{\"code\":\"input_coercion\"},\"path\":[\"..\",\"node\"],\"message\":\"Input coercion failed for type NodeName with value <<>>. The reason it failed is: empty_node_name\"}]}">>,
Params: #{port => 5551,path => <<"/api/graphql">>,
          server => #{node => mongooseim@localhost},
          role => {graphql,admin},
          return_maps => true,method => <<"POST">>,
          creds => {<<"admin">>,<<"secret">>},
          body =>
              <<"{\"variables\":{\"node\":\"\"},\"query\":\"mutation ($node: NodeName!) { mnesia { setMaster(node: $node) } }\"}">>,
          return_headers => true}

*** CT 2024-04-22 14:39:20.362 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when finished🔗 mongooseim@localhost_2884.html

=== Ended at 2024-04-22 14:39:20
=== successfully completed test case
=== === Returned value: <<"Input coercion failed for type NodeName with value <<>>. The reason it failed is: empty_node_name">>

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