
1 %% @doc Handles operations with #jingle_sip_session{} record
2 -module(mod_jingle_sip_session).
4 -export([set_incoming_request/5]).
5 -export([set_incoming_handle/2]).
6 -export([set_outgoing_request/4]).
7 -export([set_outgoing_handle/4]).
8 -export([set_outgoing_accepted/1]).
9 -export([set_incoming_accepted/1]).
10 -export([get_incoming_request/2]).
11 -export([get_outgoing_handle/2]).
12 -export([get_session_info/2]).
13 -export([remove_session/1]).
15 -include("mongoose.hrl").
16 -include("mod_jingle_sip_session.hrl").
18 -type call_id() :: binary().
19 -type incoming_request() :: {node(), binary()}.
20 -type outgoing_handle() :: binary().
21 -type dialog_handle() :: nksip:handle().
22 -type request_id() :: binary().
23 -type session() :: #jingle_sip_session{
24 sid :: call_id(),
25 dialog :: dialog_handle() | undefined,
26 state :: accepted | ringing | undefined,
27 direction :: in | out,
28 request :: request_id() | undefined,
29 node :: node(),
30 owner :: jid:simple_bare_jid(),
31 from :: jid:simple_bare_jid(),
32 to :: jid:simple_bare_jid(),
33 now :: integer(),
34 meta :: #{init_stanza => exml:element()}
35 }.
36 -type update_fun() :: fun((session()) -> session() | {error, term()}).
37 -export_type([call_id/0, session/0, update_fun/0]).
39 -spec make_simple_bare_jid(jid:jid()) -> jid:simple_bare_jid().
40 make_simple_bare_jid(Jid) ->
41 87 {_, _} = jid:to_lus(Jid).
43 -spec set_incoming_request(CallID :: call_id(), ReqID :: request_id(),
44 From :: jid:jid(), To :: jid:jid(), exml:element()) ->
45 ok | {error, any()}.
46 set_incoming_request(CallID, ReqID, From, To, JingleEl) ->
47 15 Owner = make_simple_bare_jid(To),
48 15 Meta = #{init_stanza => JingleEl},
49 15 Session = #jingle_sip_session{sid = CallID,
50 request = ReqID,
51 dialog = undefined,
52 state = undefined,
53 direction = in,
54 node = node(),
55 from = make_simple_bare_jid(From),
56 to = Owner,
57 owner = Owner,
58 now = os:system_time(microsecond),
59 meta = Meta},
60 15 mod_jingle_sip_backend:write_new_session(CallID, Session).
62 -spec set_outgoing_request(CallID :: call_id(), ReqID :: request_id(),
63 From :: jid:jid(), To :: jid:jid()) ->
64 ok | {error, any()}.
65 set_outgoing_request(CallID, ReqID, From, To) ->
66 18 Owner = make_simple_bare_jid(From),
67 18 Session = #jingle_sip_session{sid = CallID,
68 request = ReqID,
69 dialog = undefined,
70 state = undefined,
71 direction = out,
72 node = node(),
73 from = Owner,
74 to = make_simple_bare_jid(To),
75 owner = Owner,
76 now = os:system_time(microsecond),
77 meta = #{}},
78 18 mod_jingle_sip_backend:write_new_session(CallID, Session).
80 -spec set_incoming_handle(CallID :: call_id(), DialogHandle :: dialog_handle()) ->
81 ok | {error, any()}.
82 set_incoming_handle(CallID, DialogHandle) ->
83 15 F = fun(Session) -> do_set_incoming_handle(DialogHandle, Session) end,
84 15 mod_jingle_sip_backend:update_session(CallID, F).
86 do_set_incoming_handle(DialogHandle, Session = #jingle_sip_session{dialog = undefined, direction = in}) ->
87 15 Session#jingle_sip_session{dialog = DialogHandle,
88 node = node()};
89 do_set_incoming_handle(_, _) ->
{error, incoming_handle_exists}.
92 -spec set_outgoing_handle(CallID :: call_id(), DialogHandle :: dialog_handle(),
93 From :: jid:jid(), To :: jid:jid()) ->
94 ok | {error, any()}.
95 set_outgoing_handle(CallID, DialogHandle, From, To) ->
96 17 F = fun(Session) -> do_set_outgoing_handle(DialogHandle, Session) end,
97 17 case mod_jingle_sip_backend:update_session(CallID, F) of
98 {error, not_found} ->
Owner = make_simple_bare_jid(From),
Session = #jingle_sip_session{sid = CallID,
101 dialog = DialogHandle,
102 node = node(),
103 direction = out,
104 state = ringing,
105 from = Owner,
106 to = make_simple_bare_jid(To),
107 owner = Owner,
108 now = os:system_time(microsecond),
109 meta = #{}},
mod_jingle_sip_backend:write_new_session(CallID, Session);
111 Res ->
112 17 Res
113 end.
115 do_set_outgoing_handle(DialogHandle, Session = #jingle_sip_session{dialog = undefined, direction = out}) ->
116 17 Session#jingle_sip_session{dialog = DialogHandle,
117 node = node()};
118 do_set_outgoing_handle(_, _) ->
{error, outgoing_handle_exists}.
121 -spec set_incoming_accepted(CallID :: call_id()) ->
122 ok | {error, any()}.
123 set_incoming_accepted(CallID) ->
124 9 mod_jingle_sip_backend:update_session(CallID, fun do_set_incoming_accepted/1).
126 do_set_incoming_accepted(Session = #jingle_sip_session{direction = in, meta = Meta}) ->
127 9 MetaWithoutInitStanza = maps:without([init_stanza], Meta),
128 9 Session#jingle_sip_session{state = accepted,
129 meta = MetaWithoutInitStanza};
130 do_set_incoming_accepted(_) ->
{error, not_found}.
133 -spec set_outgoing_accepted(CallID :: call_id()) ->
134 ok | {error, any()}.
135 set_outgoing_accepted(CallID) ->
136 11 mod_jingle_sip_backend:update_session(CallID, fun do_set_outgoing_accepted/1).
138 do_set_outgoing_accepted(Session = #jingle_sip_session{direction = out}) ->
139 11 Session#jingle_sip_session{state = accepted};
140 do_set_outgoing_accepted(_) ->
{error, not_found}.
143 -spec get_incoming_request(call_id(), jid:jid()) -> {ok, undefined | incoming_request()} |
144 {error, not_found}.
145 get_incoming_request(CallID, User) ->
146 10 UserUS = make_simple_bare_jid(User),
147 10 case mod_jingle_sip_backend:read_session(CallID) of
148 [#jingle_sip_session{request = ReqID, node = Node, owner = UserUS}] ->
149 9 {ok, {Node, ReqID}};
150 _ ->
151 1 {error, not_found}
152 end.
154 -spec get_outgoing_handle(call_id(), jid:jid()) -> {ok, undefined | outgoing_handle()} |
155 {error, not_found}.
156 get_outgoing_handle(SID, User) ->
157 3 UserUS = make_simple_bare_jid(User),
158 3 case mod_jingle_sip_backend:read_session(SID) of
159 [#jingle_sip_session{dialog = Handle, owner = UserUS}] ->
160 3 {ok, Handle};
161 _ ->
{error, not_found}
163 end.
165 -spec get_session_info(binary(), jid:jid()) ->
166 {ok, map()} | {error, any()}.
167 get_session_info(SID, User) ->
168 8 UserUS = make_simple_bare_jid(User),
169 8 case mod_jingle_sip_backend:read_session(SID) of
170 [#jingle_sip_session{sid = SID,
171 dialog = Handle,
172 request = Request,
173 state = State,
174 direction = Dir,
175 node = ONode,
176 owner = UserUS,
177 to = To,
178 from = From,
179 meta = Meta}] ->
180 7 {ok, #{sid => SID,
181 dialog => Handle,
182 request => Request,
183 state => State,
184 direction => Dir,
185 node => ONode,
186 from => From,
187 to => To,
188 meta => Meta}};
189 _ ->
190 1 {error, not_found}
191 end.
193 -spec remove_session(call_id()) -> ok.
194 remove_session(CallID) ->
195 19 mod_jingle_sip_backend:remove_session(CallID).
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