=== Test case: graphql_last_SUITE:admin_try_count_active_users_invalid_timestamp/1 (click for source code)

=== Config value:

      #{mod_vcard =>
            #{matches => 30,
              host => {prefix,<<"vjud.">>},
              search => true,
              ldap =>
                  #{filter => <<"(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)">>,
                    base => <<"ou=Users,dc=esl,dc=com">>,deref => never,
                    pool_tag => default,
                    vcard_map =>
                    search_fields =>
                         {<<"Full Name">>,<<"displayName">>},
                         {<<"Given Name">>,<<"givenName">>},
                         {<<"Middle Name">>,<<"initials">>},
                         {<<"Family Name">>,<<"sn">>},
                         {<<"Organization Name">>,<<"o">>},
                         {<<"Organization Unit">>,<<"ou">>}],
                    uids => [{<<"uid">>,<<"%u">>}],
                    search_reported =>
                        [{<<"Full Name">>,<<"FN">>},
                         {<<"Given Name">>,<<"FIRST">>},
                         {<<"Middle Name">>,<<"MIDDLE">>},
                         {<<"Family Name">>,<<"LAST">>},
                         {<<"Organization Name">>,<<"ORGNAME">>},
                         {<<"Organization Unit">>,<<"ORGUNIT">>}],
                    search_operator => 'and',binary_search_fields => []},
              backend => ldap,iqdisc => parallel},
        mod_roster =>
            #{backend => mnesia,iqdisc => one_queue,versioning => false,
              store_current_id => false},
        mod_register =>
            #{access => register,iqdisc => one_queue,
              registration_watchers => [],password_strength => 0,
              ip_access => [{allow,""},{deny,""}]},
        mod_sic => #{iqdisc => one_queue},
        mod_amp => #{},
        mod_disco =>
            #{iqdisc => one_queue,users_can_see_hidden_services => false,
              server_info => [],extra_domains => []},
        mod_presence => #{},
        mod_stream_management =>
            #{buffer => true,ack => true,backend => mnesia,
              stale_h =>
                  #{enabled => false,repeat_after => 1800,geriatric => 3600},
              buffer_max => 100,ack_freq => 1,resume_timeout => 600},
        mod_adhoc => #{iqdisc => one_queue,report_commands_node => false},
        mod_cache_users =>
            #{strategy => fifo,number_of_segments => 5,time_to_live => 2},
        mod_bosh =>
            #{backend => mnesia,inactivity => 30,max_pause => 120,
              max_wait => infinity,server_acks => false},
        mod_carboncopy => #{iqdisc => no_queue}}},
      #{mod_vcard =>
            #{matches => 30,
              host => {prefix,<<"vjud.">>},
              search => true,
              ldap =>
                  #{filter => <<"(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)">>,
                    base => <<"ou=Users,dc=esl,dc=com">>,deref => never,
                    pool_tag => default,
                    vcard_map =>
                    search_fields =>
                         {<<"Full Name">>,<<"displayName">>},
                         {<<"Given Name">>,<<"givenName">>},
                         {<<"Middle Name">>,<<"initials">>},
                         {<<"Family Name">>,<<"sn">>},
                         {<<"Organization Name">>,<<"o">>},
                         {<<"Organization Unit">>,<<"ou">>}],
                    uids => [{<<"uid">>,<<"%u">>}],
                    search_reported =>
                        [{<<"Full Name">>,<<"FN">>},
                         {<<"Given Name">>,<<"FIRST">>},
                         {<<"Middle Name">>,<<"MIDDLE">>},
                         {<<"Family Name">>,<<"LAST">>},
                         {<<"Organization Name">>,<<"ORGNAME">>},
                         {<<"Organization Unit">>,<<"ORGUNIT">>}],
                    search_operator => 'and',binary_search_fields => []},
              backend => ldap,iqdisc => parallel},
        mod_roster =>
            #{backend => mnesia,iqdisc => one_queue,versioning => false,
              store_current_id => false},
        mod_register =>
            #{access => register,iqdisc => one_queue,
              registration_watchers => [],password_strength => 0,
              ip_access => [{allow,""},{deny,""}]},
        mod_sic => #{iqdisc => one_queue},
        mod_amp => #{},
        mod_disco =>
            #{iqdisc => one_queue,users_can_see_hidden_services => false,
              server_info => [],extra_domains => []},
        mod_presence => #{},
        mod_stream_management =>
            #{buffer => true,ack => true,backend => mnesia,
              stale_h =>
                  #{enabled => false,repeat_after => 1800,geriatric => 3600},
              buffer_max => 100,ack_freq => 1,resume_timeout => 600},
        mod_adhoc => #{iqdisc => one_queue,report_commands_node => false},
        mod_cache_users =>
            #{strategy => fifo,number_of_segments => 5,time_to_live => 2},
        mod_bosh =>
            #{backend => mnesia,inactivity => 30,max_pause => 120,
              max_wait => infinity,server_acks => false},
        mod_carboncopy => #{iqdisc => no_queue}}}]

=== Current directory is "/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@6eb2c37aaf4a.2024-04-18_11.11.30"

=== Started at 2024-04-18 11:14:03

*** CT 2024-04-18 11:14:03.230 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when started🔗 mongooseim@localhost_1567.html

*** User 2024-04-18 11:14:03.501 ***🔗
Execute /home/circleci/project/_build/mim1/rel/mongooseim/bin/mongooseimctl  last countActiveUsers --timestamp 20222-04-17T12:58:30.000000Z --domain localhost
Result "{\n  \"errors\" : [\n    {\n      \"extensions\" : {\n        \"code\" : \"input_coercion\"\n      },\n      \"path\" : [\n        \"..\",\n        \"timestamp\"\n      ],\n      \"message\" : \"Input coercion failed for type DateTime with value <<\\\"20222-04-17T12:58:30.000000Z\\\">>. The reason it failed is: failed_to_parse_datetime\"\n    }\n  ]\n}\n"
ExitStatus 1

*** User 2024-04-18 11:14:03.501 ***🔗
  "errors" : [
      "extensions" : {
        "code" : "input_coercion"
      "path" : [
      "message" : "Input coercion failed for type DateTime with value <<\"20222-04-17T12:58:30.000000Z\">>. The reason it failed is: failed_to_parse_datetime"

*** CT 2024-04-18 11:14:03.503 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when finished🔗 mongooseim@localhost_1567.html

=== Ended at 2024-04-18 11:14:03
=== successfully completed test case
=== === Returned value: <<"Input coercion failed for type DateTime with value <<\"20222-04-17T12:58:30.000000Z\">>. The reason it failed is: failed_to_parse_datetime">>

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