=== Test case: mongooseimctl_SUITE:graphql_arg_help/1 (click for source code)

=== Config value:


=== Current directory is "/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@f463e50874ff.2024-04-16_11.59.24"

=== Started at 2024-04-16 12:09:03

*** CT 2024-04-16 12:09:03.910 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when started🔗 mongooseim@localhost_2058.html

*** User 2024-04-16 12:09:04.196 ***🔗
Execute /home/circleci/project/_build/mim1/rel/mongooseim/bin/mongooseimctl  account countUsers --help
Result "Usage: mongooseimctl account countUsers arguments\n\nEach argument has the format: --name value\nAvailable arguments are listed below with the corresponding GraphQL types:\n  domain  DomainName! \n\nScalar values do not need quoting unless they contain special characters or spaces.\nComplex input types are passed as JSON maps or lists, depending on the type.\nWhen a type is followed by '!', the corresponding argument is required.\n"
ExitStatus 0

*** User 2024-04-16 12:09:04.196 ***🔗
Usage: mongooseimctl account countUsers arguments

Each argument has the format: --name value
Available arguments are listed below with the corresponding GraphQL types:
  domain  DomainName! 

Scalar values do not need quoting unless they contain special characters or spaces.
Complex input types are passed as JSON maps or lists, depending on the type.
When a type is followed by '!', the corresponding argument is required.

*** CT 2024-04-16 12:09:04.200 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when finished🔗 mongooseim@localhost_2058.html

=== Ended at 2024-04-16 12:09:04
=== successfully completed test case
=== === Returned value: ok

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