Unexpected I/O

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:50.338 ***
=NOTICE REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:50.337972 ===
TLS client: In state cipher received SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Bad Certificate

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:50.343 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:50.343633 ===
Error in process <0.23504.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:50.344 ***
=NOTICE REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:50.344185 ===
TLS client: In state cipher received SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Bad Certificate

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:50.357 ***
=NOTICE REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:50.357019 ===
TLS client: In state cipher received SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Bad Certificate

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:50.359 ***
=NOTICE REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:50.359022 ===
TLS client: In state cipher received SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Bad Certificate

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:55.318 ***
=CRASH REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:55.318116 ===
    initial call: escalus_ws:init/1
    pid: <0.23507.1>
    registered_name: []
    exception error: no match of right hand side value {error,timeout}
      in function  escalus_ws:init/1 (/home/circleci/project/big_tests/_build/default/lib/escalus/src/escalus_ws.erl, line 178)
      in call from gen_server:init_it/2 (gen_server.erl, line 851)
      in call from gen_server:init_it/6 (gen_server.erl, line 814)
    ancestors: [<0.23506.1>]
    message_queue_len: 0
    messages: []
    links: [<0.23506.1>]
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: false
    status: running
    heap_size: 1598
    stack_size: 28
    reductions: 372

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:55.318 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:55.318352 ===
** Generic server <0.23511.1> terminating 
** Last message in was timeout
** When Server state == {state,
                            #{tls_opts =>
                              transport => tls},
** Reason for termination ==
** {{badmatch,{error,timeout}},

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:55.318 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:55.318086 ===
Error in process <0.23506.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:55.319 ***
=CRASH REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:55.319245 ===
    initial call: escalus_bosh:'-prep_request/5-fun-0-'/0
    pid: <0.23516.1>
    registered_name: []
    exception error: no match of right hand side value {error,timeout}
      in function  escalus_bosh:'-prep_request/5-fun-0-'/6 (/home/circleci/project/big_tests/_build/default/lib/escalus/src/escalus_bosh.erl, line 481)
    ancestors: [<0.23510.1>,<0.23509.1>]
    message_queue_len: 0
    messages: []
    links: []
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: false
    status: running
    heap_size: 233
    stack_size: 28
    reductions: 149

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:55.319 ***
=CRASH REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:55.319317 ===
    initial call: escalus_bosh_gun:init/1
    pid: <0.23511.1>
    registered_name: []
    exception error: no match of right hand side value {error,timeout}
      in function  escalus_bosh_gun:connect/2 (/home/circleci/project/big_tests/_build/default/lib/escalus/src/escalus_bosh_gun.erl, line 126)
      in call from escalus_bosh_gun:handle_info/2 (/home/circleci/project/big_tests/_build/default/lib/escalus/src/escalus_bosh_gun.erl, line 110)
      in call from gen_server:try_dispatch/4 (gen_server.erl, line 1123)
      in call from gen_server:handle_msg/6 (gen_server.erl, line 1200)
    ancestors: [<0.23510.1>,<0.23509.1>]
    message_queue_len: 2
    messages: [{'$gen_call',{<0.23516.1>,
    links: [<0.23510.1>]
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: true
    status: running
    heap_size: 610
    stack_size: 28
    reductions: 11398

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:55.320 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:55.319327 ===
Error in process <0.23509.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:56.151 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:56.151315 ===
Error in process <0.23669.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:56.152 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:56.151407 ===
Error in process <0.23671.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:56.155 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:56.155131 ===
Error in process <0.23676.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:56.156 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:56.156581 ===
Error in process <0.23673.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:56.159 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:56.159588 ===
Error in process <0.23682.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:56.163 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:56.162763 ===
Error in process <0.23701.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during use_common_name in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:57.923 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:57.923206 ===
Error in process <0.23843.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during demo_verification_module in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:59.585 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:59.585615 ===
Error in process <0.23987.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during demo_verification_module in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:57:59.586 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:57:59.586591 ===
Error in process <0.23989.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:01.400 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:01.400246 ===
Error in process <0.24222.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:01.401 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:01.400278 ===
Error in process <0.24238.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:01.402 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:01.401565 ===
Error in process <0.24218.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:01.402 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:01.402497 ===
Error in process <0.24220.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:01.404 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:01.404587 ===
Error in process <0.24224.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:01.409 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:01.409465 ===
Error in process <0.24241.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during use_common_name in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:03.272 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:03.272137 ===
Error in process <0.24392.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during demo_verification_module in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:04.979 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:04.979180 ===
Error in process <0.24522.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during demo_verification_module in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:04.980 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:04.979871 ===
Error in process <0.24525.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:05.855 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:05.855614 ===
Error in process <0.24644.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:05.862 ***
=NOTICE REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:05.861900 ===
TLS client: In state cipher received SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Bad Certificate

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:05.866 ***
=NOTICE REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:05.866104 ===
TLS client: In state cipher received SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Bad Certificate

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:05.883 ***
=NOTICE REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:05.882985 ===
TLS client: In state cipher received SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Bad Certificate

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:05.893 ***
=NOTICE REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:05.893041 ===
TLS client: In state cipher received SERVER ALERT: Fatal - Bad Certificate

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:10.839 ***
=CRASH REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:10.839053 ===
    initial call: escalus_bosh:'-prep_request/5-fun-0-'/0
    pid: <0.24650.1>
    registered_name: []
    exception error: no match of right hand side value {error,timeout}
      in function  escalus_bosh:'-prep_request/5-fun-0-'/6 (/home/circleci/project/big_tests/_build/default/lib/escalus/src/escalus_bosh.erl, line 481)
    ancestors: [<0.24647.1>,<0.24646.1>]
    message_queue_len: 0
    messages: []
    links: []
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: false
    status: running
    heap_size: 233
    stack_size: 28
    reductions: 149

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:10.839 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:10.839063 ===
** Generic server <0.24648.1> terminating 
** Last message in was timeout
** When Server state == {state,
                            #{tls_opts =>
                              transport => tls},
** Reason for termination ==
** {{badmatch,{error,timeout}},

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:10.839 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:10.839168 ===
Error in process <0.24646.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:10.840 ***
=CRASH REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:10.839813 ===
    initial call: escalus_bosh_gun:init/1
    pid: <0.24648.1>
    registered_name: []
    exception error: no match of right hand side value {error,timeout}
      in function  escalus_bosh_gun:connect/2 (/home/circleci/project/big_tests/_build/default/lib/escalus/src/escalus_bosh_gun.erl, line 126)
      in call from escalus_bosh_gun:handle_info/2 (/home/circleci/project/big_tests/_build/default/lib/escalus/src/escalus_bosh_gun.erl, line 110)
      in call from gen_server:try_dispatch/4 (gen_server.erl, line 1123)
      in call from gen_server:handle_msg/6 (gen_server.erl, line 1200)
    ancestors: [<0.24647.1>,<0.24646.1>]
    message_queue_len: 3
    messages: [{'$gen_call',{<0.24650.1>,
    links: []
    dictionary: []
    trap_exit: true
    status: running
    heap_size: 610
    stack_size: 28
    reductions: 11408

*** System report during self_signed_certs_not_allowed in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:10.840 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:10.840194 ===
Error in process <0.24654.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:11.599 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:11.599395 ===
Error in process <0.24804.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:11.600 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:11.600429 ===
Error in process <0.24802.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:11.601 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:11.601258 ===
Error in process <0.24800.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:11.603 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:11.602879 ===
Error in process <0.24806.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:11.603 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:11.603097 ===
Error in process <0.24810.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during standard in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:11.606 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:11.606203 ===
Error in process <0.24828.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during use_common_name in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:13.769 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:13.769169 ===
Error in process <0.24987.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during demo_verification_module in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:15.604 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:15.604518 ===
Error in process <0.25116.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

*** System report during demo_verification_module in sasl_external_SUITE 2024-03-21 07:58:15.610 ***
=ERROR REPORT==== 21-Mar-2024::07:58:15.610534 ===
Error in process <0.25118.1> on node test@3f797212ea34 with exit value:

Test run history | Top level test index | Latest test result