
1 -module(amp_resolver).
2 %% @doc This module is responsible for checking whether particular AMP semantics
3 %% apply for a given message.
5 -export([check_condition/3,
6 verify_support/3
7 ]).
9 -include("amp.hrl").
10 -include("mongoose.hrl").
11 -include("jlib.hrl").
13 -spec verify_support(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when
14 Acc :: [amp_rule_support()],
15 Params :: #{rules := amp_rules()},
16 Extra :: map().
17 verify_support(HookAcc, #{rules := Rules}, _) ->
18 175 {ok, HookAcc ++ [ verify_rule_support(Rule) || Rule <- Rules ]}.
20 -spec verify_rule_support(amp_rule()) -> amp_rule_support().
21 verify_rule_support(#amp_rule{action = alert} = Rule) ->
22 1 {error, 'unsupported-actions', Rule};
23 verify_rule_support(#amp_rule{condition = 'expire-at'} = Rule) ->
24 1 {error, 'unsupported-conditions', Rule};
25 verify_rule_support(Rule) ->
26 259 {supported, Rule}.
28 -spec check_condition(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when
29 Acc :: amp_match_result(),
30 Params :: #{strategy := amp_strategy(), rule := amp_rule()},
31 Extra :: map().
32 check_condition(HookAcc, #{strategy := Strategy, rule := Rule}, _) ->
33 332 NewAcc = case HookAcc of
34 332 no_match -> resolve(Strategy, Rule);
MatchResult -> MatchResult
36 end,
37 332 {ok, NewAcc}.
39 -spec resolve(amp_strategy(), amp_rule()) -> amp_match_result().
40 53 resolve(#amp_strategy{deliver = [Value]}, #amp_rule{condition = deliver, value = Value}) -> match;
41 resolve(#amp_strategy{deliver = Values}, #amp_rule{condition = deliver, value = Value, action = notify})
42 when is_list(Values) ->
43 181 case lists:member(Value, Values) of
44 77 true -> undecided;
45 104 false -> no_match
46 end;
47 resolve(#amp_strategy{deliver = [Value | _]}, #amp_rule{condition = deliver, value = Value, action = Action})
48 20 when Action == drop orelse Action == error -> match;
49 resolve(#amp_strategy{'match-resource' = Value}, #amp_rule{condition = 'match-resource', value = any})
50 1 when Value /= undefined -> match;
51 resolve(#amp_strategy{'match-resource' = Value}, #amp_rule{condition = 'match-resource', value = Value}) ->
52 3 match;
53 74 resolve(#amp_strategy{}, #amp_rule{}) -> no_match.
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