=== Test case: rest_SUITE:stanza_errors/1 (click for source code)

=== Config value:

      #{mod_vcard =>
            #{matches => 30,
              host => {prefix,<<"vjud.">>},
              search => true,iqdisc => parallel,backend => mnesia},
        mod_roster =>
            #{iqdisc => one_queue,backend => mnesia,versioning => false,
              store_current_id => false},
        mod_register =>
            #{access => register,iqdisc => one_queue,
              registration_watchers => [],password_strength => 0,
              ip_access => [{allow,""},{deny,""}]},
        mod_sic => #{iqdisc => one_queue},
        mod_amp => #{},mod_presence => #{},
        mod_disco =>
            #{iqdisc => one_queue,users_can_see_hidden_services => false,
              server_info => [],extra_domains => []},
        mod_stream_management =>
            #{buffer => true,ack => true,backend => mnesia,
              stale_h =>
                  #{enabled => false,repeat_after => 1800,geriatric => 3600},
              buffer_max => 100,ack_freq => 1,resume_timeout => 600},
        mod_adhoc => #{iqdisc => one_queue,report_commands_node => false},
        mod_cache_users =>
            #{strategy => fifo,number_of_segments => 5,time_to_live => 2},
        mod_bosh =>
            #{backend => mnesia,inactivity => 30,max_pause => 120,
              max_wait => infinity,server_acks => false},
        mod_carboncopy => #{iqdisc => no_queue}}},

=== Current directory is "/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@88fc3397ed34.2024-03-12_11.39.17"

=== Started at 2024-03-12 11:52:48

*** CT 2024-03-12 11:52:48.236 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when started🔗 mongooseim@localhost_4531.html

*** User 2024-03-12 11:52:48.255 ***🔗
REST request fails:
Code: 400
Req: {<0.54137.0>,<<"/api/stanzas">>,<<"POST">>,
      <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>}
Result: {{<<"400">>,<<"Bad Request">>},
          {<<"date">>,<<"Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:52:47 GMT">>},
         <<"\"Missing recipient JID\"">>,149,585}
Params: #{path => <<"/api/stanzas">>,
          server => #{node => mongooseim@localhost},
          role => admin,method => <<"POST">>,
          body =>
              <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>,
          return_headers => true}

*** User 2024-03-12 11:52:48.258 ***🔗
REST request fails:
Code: 400
Req: {<0.54149.0>,<<"/api/stanzas">>,<<"POST">>,
      <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>}
Result: {{<<"400">>,<<"Bad Request">>},
          {<<"date">>,<<"Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:52:47 GMT">>},
         <<"\"Missing sender JID\"">>,146,665}
Params: #{path => <<"/api/stanzas">>,
          server => #{node => mongooseim@localhost},
          role => admin,method => <<"POST">>,
          body =>
              <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>,
          return_headers => true}

*** User 2024-03-12 11:52:48.260 ***🔗
REST request fails:
Code: 400
Req: {<0.54162.0>,<<"/api/stanzas">>,<<"POST">>,
      <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>}
Result: {{<<"400">>,<<"Bad Request">>},
          {<<"date">>,<<"Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:52:47 GMT">>},
         <<"\"Invalid recipient JID\"">>,149,606}
Params: #{path => <<"/api/stanzas">>,
          server => #{node => mongooseim@localhost},
          role => admin,method => <<"POST">>,
          body =>
              <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>,
          return_headers => true}

*** User 2024-03-12 11:52:48.263 ***🔗
REST request fails:
Code: 400
Req: {<0.54176.0>,<<"/api/stanzas">>,<<"POST">>,
      <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>}
Result: {{<<"400">>,<<"Bad Request">>},
          {<<"date">>,<<"Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:52:47 GMT">>},
         <<"\"Invalid sender JID\"">>,146,702}
Params: #{path => <<"/api/stanzas">>,
          server => #{node => mongooseim@localhost},
          role => admin,method => <<"POST">>,
          body =>
              <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>,
          return_headers => true}

*** User 2024-03-12 11:52:48.265 ***🔗
REST request fails:
Code: 400
Req: {<0.54191.0>,<<"/api/stanzas">>,<<"POST">>,
      <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>}
Result: {{<<"400">>,<<"Bad Request">>},
          {<<"date">>,<<"Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:52:47 GMT">>},
         <<"\"User's domain does not exist\"">>,156,455}
Params: #{path => <<"/api/stanzas">>,
          server => #{node => mongooseim@localhost},
          role => admin,method => <<"POST">>,
          body =>
              <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>,
          return_headers => true}

*** User 2024-03-12 11:52:48.267 ***🔗
REST request fails:
Code: 400
Req: {<0.54202.0>,<<"/api/stanzas">>,<<"POST">>,
      <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>}
Result: {{<<"400">>,<<"Bad Request">>},
          {<<"date">>,<<"Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:52:47 GMT">>},
         <<"\"User does not exist\"">>,147,765}
Params: #{path => <<"/api/stanzas">>,
          server => #{node => mongooseim@localhost},
          role => admin,method => <<"POST">>,
          body =>
              <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling\"}">>,
          return_headers => true}

*** User 2024-03-12 11:52:48.269 ***🔗
REST request fails:
Code: 400
Req: {<0.54215.0>,<<"/api/stanzas">>,<<"POST">>,
      <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling>}
Result: {{<<"400">>,<<"Bad Request">>},
          {<<"date">>,<<"Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:52:47 GMT">>},
         <<"\"Malformed stanza\"">>,144,651}
Params: #{path => <<"/api/stanzas">>,
          server => #{node => mongooseim@localhost},
          role => admin,method => <<"POST">>,
          body =>
              <<"{\"stanza\":\"the bodyinside the sibling>,
          return_headers => true}

*** User 2024-03-12 11:52:48.271 ***🔗
REST request fails:
Code: 400
Req: {<0.54221.0>,<<"/api/stanzas">>,<<"POST">>,
Result: {{<<"400">>,<<"Bad Request">>},
          {<<"date">>,<<"Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:52:47 GMT">>},
         <<"\"Missing stanza\"">>,142,606}
Params: #{path => <<"/api/stanzas">>,
          server => #{node => mongooseim@localhost},
          role => admin,method => <<"POST">>,body => <<"{}">>,
          return_headers => true}

*** CT 2024-03-12 11:52:48.300 *** View log from node mongooseim@localhost when finished🔗 mongooseim@localhost_4531.html

=== Ended at 2024-03-12 11:52:48
=== successfully completed test case
=== === Returned value: {{<<"400">>,<<"Bad Request">>},<<"Missing stanza">>}