
1 %% Just a proxy interface module between the main mod_private module and
2 %% the backend modules (i.e. mod_private_rdbms, mod_private_mnesia...).
3 -module(mod_private_backend).
4 -export([init/2,
5 multi_set_data/4,
6 multi_get_data/4,
7 get_all_nss/3,
8 remove_user/3,
9 remove_domain/2]).
11 -define(MAIN_MODULE, mod_private).
13 -type ns() :: binary().
14 -type ns_xml() :: {ns(), exml:element()}.
16 %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
17 %% Callbacks
18 %% (exactly the same as specs in this module)
20 -callback init(HostType, Opts) -> ok when
21 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
22 Opts :: gen_mod:module_opts().
24 -callback multi_set_data(HostType, LUser, LServer, NS2XML) -> Result when
25 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
26 LUser :: jid:luser(),
27 LServer :: jid:lserver(),
28 NS2XML :: [ns_xml()],
29 Reason :: term(),
30 Result :: ok | {aborted, Reason} | {error, Reason}.
32 -callback multi_get_data(HostType, LUser, LServer, NS2Def) -> [XML | Default] when
33 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
34 LUser :: jid:luser(),
35 LServer :: jid:lserver(),
36 NS2Def :: [{NS, Default}],
37 NS :: ns(),
38 Default :: term(),
39 XML :: exml:element().
41 -callback remove_user(HostType, LUser, LServer) -> any() when
42 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
43 LUser :: jid:luser(),
44 LServer :: jid:lserver().
46 -callback remove_domain(HostType, LServer) -> any() when
47 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
48 LServer :: jid:lserver().
50 -callback get_all_nss(HostType, LUser, LServer) -> NSs when
51 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
52 LUser :: jid:luser(),
53 LServer :: jid:lserver(),
54 NSs :: [ns()].
56 %% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
57 %% API Functions
59 -spec init(HostType, Opts) -> ok when
60 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
61 Opts :: gen_mod:module_opts().
62 init(HostType, Opts) ->
63 6 TrackedFuns = [multi_get_data, multi_set_data],
64 6 mongoose_backend:init(HostType, ?MAIN_MODULE, TrackedFuns, Opts),
65 6 Args = [HostType, Opts],
66 6 mongoose_backend:call(HostType, ?MAIN_MODULE, ?FUNCTION_NAME, Args).
68 -spec multi_set_data(HostType, LUser, LServer, NS2XML) -> Result when
69 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
70 LUser :: jid:luser(),
71 LServer :: jid:lserver(),
72 NS2XML :: [ns_xml()],
73 Reason :: term(),
74 Result :: ok | {aborted, Reason} | {error, Reason}.
75 multi_set_data(HostType, LUser, LServer, NS2XML) ->
76 21 Args = [HostType, LUser, LServer, NS2XML],
77 21 mongoose_backend:call_tracked(HostType, ?MAIN_MODULE, ?FUNCTION_NAME, Args).
79 -spec multi_get_data(HostType, LUser, LServer, NS2Def) -> [XML | Default] when
80 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
81 LUser :: jid:luser(),
82 LServer :: jid:lserver(),
83 NS2Def :: [{NS, Default}],
84 NS :: ns(),
85 Default :: term(),
86 XML :: exml:element().
87 multi_get_data(HostType, LUser, LServer, NS2Def) ->
88 20 Args = [HostType, LUser, LServer, NS2Def],
89 20 mongoose_backend:call_tracked(HostType, ?MAIN_MODULE, ?FUNCTION_NAME, Args).
91 -spec remove_user(HostType, LUser, LServer) -> any() when
92 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
93 LUser :: jid:luser(),
94 LServer :: jid:lserver().
95 remove_user(HostType, LUser, LServer) ->
96 25 Args = [HostType, LUser, LServer],
97 25 mongoose_backend:call(HostType, ?MAIN_MODULE, ?FUNCTION_NAME, Args).
99 -spec remove_domain(HostType, LServer) -> any() when
100 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
101 LServer :: jid:lserver().
102 remove_domain(HostType, LServer) ->
Args = [HostType, LServer],
mongoose_backend:call(HostType, ?MAIN_MODULE, ?FUNCTION_NAME, Args).
106 -spec get_all_nss(HostType, LUser, LServer) -> NSs when
107 HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(),
108 LUser :: jid:luser(),
109 LServer :: jid:lserver(),
110 NSs :: [ns()].
111 get_all_nss(HostType, LUser, LServer) ->
112 15 Args = [HostType, LUser, LServer],
113 15 mongoose_backend:call(HostType, ?MAIN_MODULE, ?FUNCTION_NAME, Args).
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