
1 %% Just a proxy interface module between the main mod_http_upload module and
2 %% the backend modules (i.e. mod_http_upload_s3).
3 -module(mod_http_upload_backend).
5 -export([init/2, create_slot/7]).
7 -define(MAIN_MODULE, mod_http_upload).
8 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
9 %% Callbacks
10 %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
12 -callback create_slot(UTCDateTime :: calendar:datetime(), UUID :: binary(),
13 Filename :: unicode:unicode_binary(), ContentType :: binary() | undefined,
14 Size :: pos_integer(), gen_mod:module_opts()) ->
15 {PUTURL :: binary(), GETURL :: binary(), Headers :: #{binary() => binary()}}.
17 -spec init(HostType :: mongooseim:host_type(), Opts :: gen_mod:module_opts()) -> ok.
18 init(HostType, Opts) ->
19 4 mongoose_backend:init(HostType, ?MAIN_MODULE, [create_slot], Opts).
21 -spec create_slot(HostType::mongooseim:host_type(),
22 UTCDateTime :: calendar:datetime(),
23 UUID :: binary(),
24 Filename :: unicode:unicode_binary(),
25 ContentType :: binary() | undefined,
26 Size :: pos_integer(),
27 Opts :: gen_mod:module_opts()) ->
28 {PUTURL :: binary(), GETURL :: binary(), Headers :: #{binary() => binary()}}.
29 create_slot(HostType, UTCDateTime, UUID, Filename, ContentType, Size, Opts) ->
30 17 Args = [UTCDateTime, UUID, Filename, ContentType, Size, Opts],
31 17 mongoose_backend:call_tracked(HostType, ?MAIN_MODULE, ?FUNCTION_NAME, Args).
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