1 |
-module(mod_mam_rdbms_arch_async). |
2 |
3 |
-behaviour(mongoose_batch_worker). |
4 |
5 |
-include("mongoose_logger.hrl"). |
6 |
7 |
-behaviour(gen_mod). |
8 |
9 |
-export([start/2, stop/1, hooks/1, instrumentation/1, supported_features/0]). |
10 |
-export([archive_pm_message/3, mam_archive_sync/3]). |
11 |
-export([flush/2]). |
12 |
13 |
-export([make_pool_opts/2, prepare_insert_queries/2]). |
14 |
15 |
-spec archive_pm_message(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when |
16 |
Acc :: ok, |
17 |
Params :: mod_mam:archive_message_params(), |
18 |
Extra :: gen_hook:extra(). |
19 |
archive_pm_message(_Result, #{archive_id := ArcID} = Params, #{host_type := HostType}) -> |
20 |
2209 |
{ok, mongoose_async_pools:put_task(HostType, pm_mam, ArcID, Params)}. |
21 |
22 |
-spec mam_archive_sync(Acc, Params, Extra) -> {ok, Acc} when |
23 |
Acc :: ok, |
24 |
Params :: map(), |
25 |
Extra :: gen_hook:extra(). |
26 |
mam_archive_sync(Result, _Params, #{host_type := HostType}) -> |
27 |
74 |
mongoose_async_pools:sync(HostType, pm_mam), |
28 |
74 |
{ok, Result}. |
29 |
30 |
%%% gen_mod callbacks |
31 |
-spec start(mongooseim:host_type(), gen_mod:module_opts()) -> any(). |
32 |
start(HostType, Opts) -> |
33 |
37 |
{PoolOpts, Extra} = make_pool_opts(pm, Opts), |
34 |
37 |
prepare_insert_queries(pm, Extra), |
35 |
37 |
mongoose_async_pools:start_pool(HostType, pm_mam, PoolOpts). |
36 |
37 |
-spec stop(mongooseim:host_type()) -> any(). |
38 |
stop(HostType) -> |
39 |
37 |
mongoose_async_pools:stop_pool(HostType, pm_mam). |
40 |
41 |
-spec hooks(mongooseim:host_type()) -> gen_hook:hook_list(). |
42 |
hooks(HostType) -> |
43 |
74 |
[ |
44 |
{mam_archive_sync, HostType, fun ?MODULE:mam_archive_sync/3, #{}, 50}, |
45 |
{mam_archive_message, HostType, fun ?MODULE:archive_pm_message/3, #{}, 50} |
46 |
]. |
47 |
48 |
-spec instrumentation(mongooseim:host_type()) -> [mongoose_instrument:spec()]. |
49 |
instrumentation(HostType) -> |
50 |
75 |
[{mod_mam_pm_flushed, #{host_type => HostType}, |
51 |
#{metrics => #{time_per_message => histogram, time => histogram, count => spiral}}}]. |
52 |
53 |
-spec supported_features() -> [atom()]. |
54 |
supported_features() -> |
55 |
1 |
[dynamic_domains]. |
56 |
57 |
%%% internal callbacks |
58 |
-spec make_pool_opts(mod_mam:mam_type(), gen_mod:module_opts()) -> |
59 |
{mongoose_async_pools:pool_opts(), mongoose_async_pools:pool_extra()}. |
60 |
make_pool_opts(Type, Opts) -> |
61 |
58 |
Extra = add_batch_name(Type, Opts), |
62 |
58 |
PoolOpts = Extra#{pool_type => batch, |
63 |
flush_callback => flush_callback(Type), |
64 |
flush_extra => Extra}, |
65 |
58 |
{PoolOpts, Extra}. |
66 |
67 |
%% Put batch_size into a statement name, so we could survive the module restarts |
68 |
%% with different batch sizes |
69 |
add_batch_name(pm, #{batch_size := MaxSize} = Opts) -> |
70 |
37 |
Opts#{batch_name => multi_name(insert_mam_messages, MaxSize)}; |
71 |
add_batch_name(muc, #{batch_size := MaxSize} = Opts) -> |
72 |
21 |
Opts#{batch_name => multi_name(insert_mam_muc_messages, MaxSize)}. |
73 |
74 |
37 |
flush_callback(pm) -> fun ?MODULE:flush/2; |
75 |
21 |
flush_callback(muc) -> fun mod_mam_muc_rdbms_arch_async:flush/2. |
76 |
77 |
prepare_insert_queries(pm, #{batch_size := MaxSize, batch_name := BatchName}) -> |
78 |
37 |
mod_mam_rdbms_arch:prepare_insert(insert_mam_message, 1), |
79 |
37 |
mod_mam_rdbms_arch:prepare_insert(BatchName, MaxSize); |
80 |
prepare_insert_queries(muc, #{batch_size := MaxSize, batch_name := BatchName}) -> |
81 |
21 |
mod_mam_muc_rdbms_arch:prepare_insert(insert_mam_muc_message, 1), |
82 |
21 |
mod_mam_muc_rdbms_arch:prepare_insert(BatchName, MaxSize). |
83 |
84 |
multi_name(Name, Times) -> |
85 |
58 |
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Name) ++ integer_to_list(Times)). |
86 |
87 |
%%% flush callbacks |
88 |
flush(Acc, Extra = #{host_type := HostType, queue_length := MessageCount}) -> |
89 |
880 |
mongoose_instrument:span(mod_mam_pm_flushed, #{host_type => HostType}, |
90 |
fun do_flush_pm/2, [Acc, Extra], |
91 |
fun(Time, _Result) -> |
92 |
880 |
#{time => Time, |
93 |
time_per_message => round(Time / MessageCount), |
94 |
count => MessageCount} |
95 |
end). |
96 |
97 |
%% mam workers callbacks |
98 |
do_flush_pm(Acc, #{host_type := HostType, queue_length := MessageCount, |
99 |
batch_size := MaxSize, batch_name := BatchName}) -> |
100 |
880 |
Rows = [mod_mam_rdbms_arch:prepare_message(HostType, Params) || Params <- Acc], |
101 |
880 |
IsFullBuffer = MessageCount =:= MaxSize, |
102 |
880 |
case IsFullBuffer of |
103 |
true -> |
104 |
4 |
Result = mongoose_rdbms:execute(HostType, BatchName, lists:append(Rows)), |
105 |
4 |
process_batch_result(Result, Acc, HostType, MessageCount); |
106 |
false -> |
107 |
876 |
Results = [mongoose_rdbms:execute(HostType, insert_mam_message, Row) || Row <- Rows], |
108 |
876 |
Process = lists:zip(Results, Acc), |
109 |
876 |
process_list_results(Process, HostType) |
110 |
end, |
111 |
880 |
[mod_mam_rdbms_arch:retract_message(HostType, Params) || Params <- Acc], |
112 |
880 |
mongoose_hooks:mam_flush_messages(HostType, MessageCount), |
113 |
880 |
ok. |
114 |
115 |
process_batch_result({updated, _Count}, _, _, _) -> |
116 |
4 |
ok; |
117 |
process_batch_result({error, Reason}, Rows, HostType, MessageCount) -> |
118 |
:-( |
mongoose_instrument:execute(mod_mam_pm_dropped, #{host_type => HostType}, #{count => MessageCount}), |
119 |
:-( |
Keys = [ maps:with([message_id, archive_id], Row) || Row <- Rows ], |
120 |
:-( |
?LOG_ERROR(#{what => archive_message_failed, |
121 |
text => <<"archive_message batch query failed">>, |
122 |
:-( |
keys => Keys, message_count => MessageCount, reason => Reason}), |
123 |
:-( |
ok. |
124 |
125 |
process_list_results(Results, HostType) -> |
126 |
876 |
lists:foreach(fun(R) -> process_single_result(R, HostType) end, Results). |
127 |
128 |
process_single_result({{updated, _Count}, _}, _HostType) -> |
129 |
2089 |
ok; |
130 |
process_single_result({{error, Reason}, #{message_id := MsgId, archive_id := ArcId}}, HostType) -> |
131 |
:-( |
mongoose_instrument:execute(mod_mam_pm_dropped, #{host_type => HostType}, #{count => 1}), |
132 |
:-( |
?LOG_ERROR(#{what => archive_message_failed, |
133 |
text => <<"archive_message batch query failed">>, |
134 |
:-( |
message_id => MsgId, archive_id => ArcId, reason => Reason}). |