
1 -module(mongoose_admin_api_domain).
3 -behaviour(mongoose_admin_api).
4 -export([routes/1]).
6 -behaviour(cowboy_rest).
7 -export([init/2,
8 is_authorized/2,
9 content_types_provided/2,
10 content_types_accepted/2,
11 allowed_methods/2,
12 to_json/2,
13 from_json/2,
14 delete_resource/2,
15 delete_completed/2]).
17 -ignore_xref([to_json/2, from_json/2]).
19 -import(mongoose_admin_api, [parse_body/1, throw_error/2, resource_created/4]).
21 -type req() :: cowboy_req:req().
22 -type state() :: mongoose_admin_api:state().
24 -spec routes(state()) -> mongoose_http_handler:routes().
25 routes(State) ->
26 47 [{"/domains/:domain", ?MODULE, State}].
28 -spec init(req(), state()) -> {cowboy_rest, req(), state()}.
29 init(Req, State) ->
30 113 mongoose_admin_api:init(Req, State).
32 -spec is_authorized(req(), state()) -> {true | {false, iodata()}, req(), state()}.
33 is_authorized(Req, State) ->
34 113 mongoose_admin_api:is_authorized(Req, State).
36 -spec content_types_provided(req(), state()) ->
37 {[{{binary(), binary(), '*'}, atom()}], req(), state()}.
38 content_types_provided(Req, State) ->
39 98 {[
40 {{<<"application">>, <<"json">>, '*'}, to_json}
41 ], Req, State}.
43 -spec content_types_accepted(req(), state()) ->
44 {[{{binary(), binary(), '*'}, atom()}], req(), state()}.
45 content_types_accepted(Req, State) ->
46 60 {[
47 {{<<"application">>, <<"json">>, '*'}, from_json}
48 ], Req, State}.
50 -spec allowed_methods(req(), state()) -> {[binary()], req(), state()}.
51 allowed_methods(Req, State) ->
52 113 {[<<"OPTIONS">>, <<"GET">>, <<"PATCH">>, <<"PUT">>, <<"DELETE">>], Req, State}.
54 %% @doc Called for a method of type "GET"
55 -spec to_json(req(), state()) -> {iodata() | stop, req(), state()}.
56 to_json(Req, State) ->
57 8 try_handle_request(Req, State, fun handle_get/2).
59 %% @doc Called for a method of type "PUT" or "PATCH"
60 -spec from_json(req(), state()) -> {true | stop, req(), state()}.
61 from_json(Req, State) ->
62 60 F = case cowboy_req:method(Req) of
63 38 <<"PUT">> -> fun handle_put/2;
64 22 <<"PATCH">> -> fun handle_patch/2
65 end,
66 60 try_handle_request(Req, State, F).
68 %% @doc Called for a method of type "DELETE"
69 -spec delete_resource(req(), state()) -> {true | stop, req(), state()}.
70 delete_resource(Req, State) ->
71 30 try_handle_request(Req, State, fun handle_delete/2).
73 -spec delete_completed(req(), state()) -> {boolean(), req(), state()}.
74 delete_completed(Req, #{deletion := in_process} = State) ->
75 2 {false, Req, State};
76 delete_completed(Req, State) ->
77 6 {true, Req, State}.
79 %% Internal functions
81 try_handle_request(Req, State, Handler) ->
82 98 F = fun(ReqIn, StateIn) ->
83 98 case service_domain_db:enabled() of
84 92 true -> Handler(ReqIn, StateIn);
85 6 false -> throw_error(denied, <<"Dynamic domains service is disabled">>)
86 end
87 end,
88 98 mongoose_admin_api:try_handle_request(Req, State, F).
90 handle_get(Req, State) ->
91 8 Bindings = cowboy_req:bindings(Req),
92 8 Domain = get_domain(Bindings),
93 8 case mongoose_domain_api:get_domain_details(Domain) of
94 {ok, Props} ->
95 2 {jiffy:encode(maps:with([host_type, status], Props)), Req, State};
96 {not_found, Msg} ->
97 4 throw_error(not_found, Msg);
98 {_, Msg} ->
99 2 throw_error(denied, Msg)
100 end.
102 handle_put(Req, State) ->
103 36 Bindings = cowboy_req:bindings(Req),
104 36 Domain = get_domain(Bindings),
105 34 Args = parse_body(Req),
106 30 HostType = get_host_type(Args),
107 28 case mongoose_domain_api:insert_domain(Domain, HostType) of
108 {ok, _} ->
109 20 {true, Req, State};
110 {duplicate, Msg} ->
111 2 throw_error(duplicate, Msg);
112 {_, Msg} ->
113 4 throw_error(denied, Msg)
114 end.
116 handle_patch(Req, State) ->
117 20 Bindings = cowboy_req:bindings(Req),
118 20 Domain = get_domain(Bindings),
119 20 Args = parse_body(Req),
120 16 Result = case get_enabled(Args) of
121 true ->
122 8 mongoose_domain_api:enable_domain(Domain);
123 false ->
124 6 mongoose_domain_api:disable_domain(Domain)
125 end,
126 12 case Result of
127 {ok, _} ->
128 6 {true, Req, State};
129 {not_found, Msg} ->
130 4 throw_error(not_found, Msg);
131 {_, Msg} ->
132 2 throw_error(denied, Msg)
133 end.
135 handle_delete(Req, State) ->
136 28 Bindings = cowboy_req:bindings(Req),
137 28 Domain = get_domain(Bindings),
138 28 Args = parse_body(Req),
139 24 handle_delete(Req, State, Domain, Args).
141 handle_delete(Req, State, Domain, #{host_type := HostType, request := true}) ->
142 6 async_delete(Req, State, Domain, HostType);
143 handle_delete(Req, State, Domain, #{host_type := HostType}) ->
144 16 sync_delete(Req, State, Domain, HostType);
145 handle_delete(_Req, _State, _Domain, #{}) ->
146 2 throw_error(bad_request, <<"'host_type' field is missing">>).
148 async_delete(Req, State, Domain, HostType) ->
149 6 case mongoose_domain_api:request_delete_domain(Domain, HostType) of
150 {ok, _} ->
151 2 {true, Req, State#{deletion => in_process}};
152 {not_found, Msg} ->
153 2 throw_error(not_found, Msg);
154 {_Reason, Msg} ->
155 2 throw_error(denied, Msg)
156 end.
158 sync_delete(Req, State, Domain, HostType) ->
159 16 case mongoose_domain_api:delete_domain(Domain, HostType) of
160 {ok, _} ->
161 6 {true, Req, State};
162 {not_found, Msg} ->
163 2 throw_error(not_found, Msg);
164 {_Reason, Msg} ->
165 6 throw_error(denied, Msg)
166 end.
168 get_domain(#{domain := Domain}) ->
169 92 case jid:nameprep(Domain) of
170 2 error -> throw_error(bad_request, <<"Invalid domain name">>);
171 90 PrepDomain -> PrepDomain
172 end.
174 28 get_host_type(#{host_type := HostType}) -> HostType;
175 2 get_host_type(#{}) -> throw_error(bad_request, <<"'host_type' field is missing">>).
177 14 get_enabled(#{enabled := Enabled}) -> Enabled;
178 2 get_enabled(#{}) -> throw_error(bad_request, <<"'enabled' field is missing">>).
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