
1 %% @doc Provide an interface for frontends (like graphql or ctl) to manage private.
2 -module(mod_private_api).
4 -include("mongoose.hrl").
5 -include("ejabberd_commands.hrl").
6 -include("jlib.hrl").
7 -include_lib("exml/include/exml.hrl").
9 -export([private_get/3, private_set/2]).
11 -spec private_get(jid:jid(), binary(), binary()) -> {Res, iodata()} when
12 Res :: ok | not_found.
13 private_get(JID, Element, Ns) ->
14 6 case ejabberd_auth:does_user_exist(JID) of
15 true ->
16 5 {ok, do_private_get(JID, Element, Ns)};
17 false ->
18 1 {not_found, io_lib:format("User ~s does not exist", [jid:to_binary(JID)])}
19 end.
21 -spec private_set(jid:jid(), ElementString :: binary()) -> {Res, iolist()} when
22 Res :: ok | not_found | not_loaded | parse_error.
23 private_set(JID, ElementString) ->
24 6 case exml:parse(ElementString) of
25 {error, Error} ->
26 1 String = io_lib:format("Error found parsing the element:~n ~p~nError: ~p~n",
27 [ElementString, Error]),
28 1 {parse_error, String};
29 {ok, Xml} ->
30 5 do_private_set(JID, Xml)
31 end.
33 do_private_get(JID, Element, Ns) ->
34 5 {ok, HostType} = mongoose_domain_api:get_domain_host_type(JID#jid.lserver),
35 5 Xml = #xmlel{ name = Element, attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, Ns}]},
36 5 {_, ResIq} = send_iq(get, Xml, JID, HostType),
37 5 [#xmlel{ name = <<"query">>,
38 attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_PRIVATE}],
39 children = [SubEl] }] = ResIq#iq.sub_el,
40 5 exml:to_binary(SubEl).
42 do_private_set(JID, Xml) ->
43 5 case ejabberd_auth:does_user_exist(JID) of
44 true ->
45 4 do_private_set2(JID, Xml);
46 false ->
47 1 {not_found, io_lib:format("User ~s does not exist", [jid:to_binary(JID)])}
48 end.
50 do_private_set2(#jid{lserver = Domain} = JID, Xml) ->
51 4 {ok, HostType} = mongoose_domain_api:get_domain_host_type(Domain),
52 4 case is_private_module_loaded(HostType) of
53 true ->
54 4 send_iq(set, Xml, JID, HostType),
55 4 {ok, ""};
56 false ->
{not_loaded, io_lib:format("Module mod_private is not loaded on domain ~s", [Domain])}
58 end.
60 -spec is_private_module_loaded(jid:server()) -> true | false.
61 is_private_module_loaded(Server) ->
62 4 lists:member(mod_private, gen_mod:loaded_modules(Server)).
64 send_iq(Method, Xml, From = To = _JID, HostType) ->
65 9 IQ = {iq, <<"">>, Method, ?NS_PRIVATE, <<"">>,
66 #xmlel{ name = <<"query">>,
67 attrs = [{<<"xmlns">>, ?NS_PRIVATE}],
68 children = [Xml] } },
69 9 Acc = mongoose_acc:new(#{ location => ?LOCATION,
70 from_jid => From,
71 to_jid => To,
72 lserver => From#jid.lserver,
73 host_type => HostType,
74 element => jlib:iq_to_xml(IQ) }),
75 9 mod_private:process_iq(Acc, From, To, IQ, #{}).
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