
1 %%% ====================================================================
2 %%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
3 %%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
4 %%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
5 %%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
6 %%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
7 %%%
8 %%%
9 %%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
10 %%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
11 %%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
12 %%% under the License.
13 %%%
14 %%%
15 %%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is ProcessOne.
16 %%% Portions created by ProcessOne are Copyright 2006-2015, ProcessOne
17 %%% All Rights Reserved.''
18 %%% This software is copyright 2006-2015, ProcessOne.
19 %%%
20 %%% @copyright 2006-2015 ProcessOne
21 %%% @author Christophe Romain <christophe.romain@process-one.net>
22 %%% [http://www.process-one.net/]
23 %%% @end
24 %%% ====================================================================
27 -module(node_hometree).
28 -behaviour(gen_pubsub_node).
29 -author('christophe.romain@process-one.net').
31 -include("pubsub.hrl").
32 -include("jlib.hrl").
34 -export([based_on/0, init/3, terminate/2, options/0, features/0,
35 create_node_permission/6, node_to_path/1,
36 path_to_node/1]).
38 954 based_on() -> node_flat.
40 init(Host, ServerHost, Opts) ->
41 1 node_flat:init(Host, ServerHost, Opts),
42 1 Owner = mod_pubsub:service_jid(Host),
43 1 mod_pubsub:create_node(Host, ServerHost, <<"/home">>, Owner, <<"hometree">>),
44 1 mod_pubsub:create_node(Host, ServerHost, <<"/home/", ServerHost/binary>>,
45 Owner, <<"hometree">>),
46 1 ok.
48 terminate(Host, ServerHost) ->
49 1 node_flat:terminate(Host, ServerHost).
51 options() ->
52 91 node_flat:options().
54 features() ->
55 413 node_flat:features().
57 %% @doc Checks if the current user has the permission to create the requested node
58 %% <p>In hometree node, the permission is decided by the place in the
59 %% hierarchy where the user is creating the node. The access parameter is also
60 %% checked. This parameter depends on the value of the
61 %% <tt>access_createnode</tt> ACL value in ejabberd config file.</p>
62 %% <p>This function also check that node can be created as a children of its
63 %% parent node</p>
64 create_node_permission(Host, _ServerHost, _Node, _ParentNode,
65 #jid{ luser = <<>>, lserver = Host, lresource = <<>> }, _Access) ->
{result, true}; % pubsub service always allowed
67 create_node_permission(_Host, ServerHost, Node, _ParentNode,
68 #jid{ luser = LUser, lserver = LServer } = Owner, Access) ->
69 7 {ok, HostType} = mongoose_domain_api:get_domain_host_type(ServerHost),
70 7 case acl:match_rule(HostType, ServerHost, Access, Owner) of
71 allow ->
72 7 case node_to_path(Node) of
73 7 [<<"home">>, LServer, LUser | _] -> {result, true};
_ -> {result, false}
75 end;
_ -> {result, false}
77 end.
79 %% @doc <p>Return the path of the node.</p>
80 node_to_path(Node) ->
81 100 mongoose_bin:tokens(Node, <<"/">>).
path_to_node([]) -> <<>>;
84 10 path_to_node(Path) -> mongoose_bin:join([<<"">> | Path], <<"/">>).
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