=== Config function: mod_aws_sns_SUITE:init_per_group/2 (click for source code)

=== Group properties: [{name,presence_status_publish},{repeat_until_all_ok,3}]

=== Config value:


=== Current directory is "/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@fbe05ecb9552.2022-03-18_10.50.03"

=== Started at 2022-03-18 10:53:21

*** System report during mod_aws_sns_SUITE:init_per_group/2 for presence_status_publish 2022-03-18 10:53:21.434 ***
=WARNING REPORT==== 18-Mar-2022::10:53:21.434393 ===
    text: <<"mod_aws_sns is deprecated and will be removed in the future.~nPlease use mod_event_pusher with sns backend.~nRefer to mod_event_pusher documentation for more information.">>
    what: module_deprecated

=== Ended at 2022-03-18 10:53:21
=== successfully completed test case
=== === Returned value: [{sns_config,
                      #{mod_adhoc =>
                            #{iqdisc => one_queue,
                              report_commands_node => false},
                        mod_amp => [],
                        mod_bosh =>
                            #{backend => mnesia,inactivity => 30,
                              max_pause => 120,max_wait => infinity,
                              server_acks => false},
                        mod_cache_users =>
                            #{number_of_segments => 5,strategy => fifo,
                              time_to_live => 2},
                        mod_carboncopy => [],mod_commands => [],
                        mod_disco =>
                            #{extra_domains => [],iqdisc => one_queue,
                              server_info => [],
                              users_can_see_hidden_services => false},
                        mod_muc =>
                            #{access => muc,access_admin => none,
                              access_create => muc_create,
                              access_persistent => all,backend => mnesia,
                              default_room =>
                                  #{affiliations => [],
                                    allow_change_subj => true,
                                    allow_multiple_sessions => false,
                                    allow_private_messages => true,
                                    allow_query_users => true,
                                    allow_user_invites => false,
                                    allow_visitor_nickchange => true,
                                    allow_visitor_status => true,
                                    anonymous => true,description => <<>>,
                                    logging => false,max_users => 200,
                                    maygetmemberlist => [],
                                    members_by_default => true,
                                    members_only => false,moderated => true,
                                    password => <<>>,
                                    password_protected => false,
                                    persistent => false,public => true,
                                    public_list => true,subject => <<>>,
                                    subject_author => <<>>,title => <<>>},
                              hibernate_timeout => 2000,
                              hibernated_room_check_interval => 1000,
                              hibernated_room_timeout => 2000,
                              history_size => 20,
                              host => {prefix,<<"muc.">>},
                              http_auth_pool => none,
                              load_permanent_rooms_at_startup => false,
                              max_room_desc => infinity,
                              max_room_id => infinity,
                              max_room_name => infinity,
                              max_user_conferences => 10,max_users => 200,
                              max_users_admin_threshold => 5,
                              min_message_interval => 0,
                              min_presence_interval => 0,room_shaper => none,
                              user_message_shaper => none,
                              user_presence_shaper => none},
                        mod_muc_commands => [],mod_muc_light_commands => [],
                        mod_muc_log =>
                            #{access_log => muc,css_file => false,
                              dirname => room_jid,dirtype => subdirs,
                              file_format => html,outdir => "/tmp/muclogs",
                              spam_prevention => true,timezone => local,
                              top_link => {"/","Home"}},
                        mod_register =>
                        mod_roster =>
                            #{backend => mnesia,iqdisc => one_queue,
                              store_current_id => false,versioning => false},
                        mod_sic => #{iqdisc => one_queue},
                        mod_stream_management =>
                            #{ack => true,ack_freq => 1,backend => mnesia,
                              buffer => true,buffer_max => 100,
                              resume_timeout => 600,
                              stale_h =>
                                  #{enabled => false,geriatric => 3600,
                                    repeat_after => 1800}},
                        mod_vcard =>
                            #{backend => ldap,
                              host => {prefix,<<"vjud.">>},
                              iqdisc => parallel,
                              ldap =>
                                  #{base => <<"ou=Users,dc=esl,dc=com">>,
                                    binary_search_fields => [],deref => never,
                                    filter =>
                                    pool_tag => default,
                                    search_fields =>
                                         {<<"Full Name">>,<<"displayName">>},
                                         {<<"Given Name">>,<<"givenName">>},
                                         {<<"Middle Name">>,<<"initials">>},
                                         {<<"Family Name">>,<<"sn">>},
                                         {<<"Organization Name">>,<<"o">>},
                                         {<<"Organization Unit">>,<<"ou">>}],
                                    search_operator => 'and',
                                    search_reported =>
                                        [{<<"Full Name">>,<<"FN">>},
                                         {<<"Given Name">>,<<"FIRST">>},
                                         {<<"Middle Name">>,<<"MIDDLE">>},
                                         {<<"Family Name">>,<<"LAST">>},
                                         {<<"Organization Name">>,
                                         {<<"Organization Unit">>,
                                    uids => [{<<"uid">>,<<"%u">>}],
                                    vcard_map =>
                              matches => 30,search => true}}}]

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