=== Config function: sasl_external_SUITE:init_per_suite/1 (click for source code)

=== Config value:


=== Current directory is "/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07"

=== Started at 2022-01-27 15:36:30

*** System report during sasl_external_SUITE:init_per_suite/1 2022-01-27 15:36:30.702 ***
=WARNING REPORT==== 27-Jan-2022::15:36:30.702417 ===
====== SUITE sasl_external_SUITE starting

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:30.705 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/not-alice.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = not-alice

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
otherName.2 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@fed1
email = not-alice@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:30.785 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 1:
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -outform PEM"]
Out Can't load /home/circleci/.rnd into RNG
139634029987136:error:2406F079:random number generator:RAND_load_file:Cannot open file:../crypto/rand/randfile.c:98:Filename=/home/circleci/.rnd
Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/not-alice_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:30.796 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 2:
Cmd ["/home/circleci/project/big_tests/tests/sasl_external_SUITE_data/sign_cert.sh",
     " --req ",
     " --out ",
Out Using configuration from openssl-ca-clients.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :ASN.1 12:'not-alice'
Certificate is to be certified until Oct 23 15:36:30 2024 GMT (1000 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:30.796 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/kate.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = kate

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:kate@localhost
otherName.2 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:kate@fed1
email = kate@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:30.848 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 1:
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -outform PEM"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/kate_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:30.856 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 2:
Cmd ["/home/circleci/project/big_tests/tests/sasl_external_SUITE_data/sign_cert.sh",
     " --req ",
     " --out ",
Out Using configuration from openssl-ca-clients.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :ASN.1 12:'kate'
Certificate is to be certified until Oct 23 15:36:30 2024 GMT (1000 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:30.856 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/bob.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = bob

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:bob@localhost
email = bob@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:30.989 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 1:
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -outform PEM"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/bob_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:30.997 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 2:
Cmd ["/home/circleci/project/big_tests/tests/sasl_external_SUITE_data/sign_cert.sh",
     " --req ",
     " --out ",
Out Using configuration from openssl-ca-clients.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :ASN.1 12:'bob'
Certificate is to be certified until Oct 23 15:36:30 2024 GMT (1000 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:30.998 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/greg.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = greg

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:greg@localhost
email = greg@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.051 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 1:
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -outform PEM"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/greg_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.059 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 2:
Cmd ["/home/circleci/project/big_tests/tests/sasl_external_SUITE_data/sign_cert.sh",
     " --req ",
     " --out ",
Out Using configuration from openssl-ca-clients.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :ASN.1 12:'greg'
Certificate is to be certified until Oct 23 15:36:31 2024 GMT (1000 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.059 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/john.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = john

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]

email = john@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.197 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 1:
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -outform PEM"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/john_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.205 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 2:
Cmd ["/home/circleci/project/big_tests/tests/sasl_external_SUITE_data/sign_cert.sh",
     " --req ",
     " --out ",
Out Using configuration from openssl-ca-clients.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :ASN.1 12:'john'
Certificate is to be certified until Oct 23 15:36:31 2024 GMT (1000 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.206 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/john@localhost.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = john@localhost

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]

email = john@localhost@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.301 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 1:
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -outform PEM"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/john@localhost_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.309 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 2:
Cmd ["/home/circleci/project/big_tests/tests/sasl_external_SUITE_data/sign_cert.sh",
     " --req ",
     " --out ",
Out Using configuration from openssl-ca-clients.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :ASN.1 12:'john@localhost'
Certificate is to be certified until Oct 23 15:36:31 2024 GMT (1000 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.310 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/not-mike.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = not-mike

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]

email = not-mike@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.373 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 1:
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -outform PEM"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/not-mike_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.385 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 2:
Cmd ["/home/circleci/project/big_tests/tests/sasl_external_SUITE_data/sign_cert.sh",
     " --req ",
     " --out ",
Out Using configuration from openssl-ca-clients.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :ASN.1 12:'not-mike'
Certificate is to be certified until Oct 23 15:36:31 2024 GMT (1000 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.386 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/grace.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = grace

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:grace@fed1
otherName.2 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:grace@reg1
email = grace@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.477 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 1:
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -outform PEM"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/grace_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.485 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 2:
Cmd ["/home/circleci/project/big_tests/tests/sasl_external_SUITE_data/sign_cert.sh",
     " --req ",
     " --out ",
Out Using configuration from openssl-ca-clients.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :ASN.1 12:'grace'
Certificate is to be certified until Oct 23 15:36:31 2024 GMT (1000 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.486 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/grace@localhost.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = grace@localhost

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:grace@fed1
otherName.2 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:grace@reg1
email = grace@localhost@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.609 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 1:
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -outform PEM"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/grace@localhost_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.663 ***
generate_ca_signed_cert 2:
Cmd ["/home/circleci/project/big_tests/tests/sasl_external_SUITE_data/sign_cert.sh",
     " --req ",
     " --out ",
Out Using configuration from openssl-ca-clients.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
commonName            :ASN.1 12:'grace@localhost'
Certificate is to be certified until Oct 23 15:36:31 2024 GMT (1000 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.663 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/not-alice-self-signed.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = not-alice-self-signed

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice-self-signed@localhost
otherName.2 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice-self-signed@fed1
email = not-alice-self-signed@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.707 ***
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -x509 -outform PEM -extensions client_req_extensions"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/not-alice-self-signed_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.707 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/kate-self-signed.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = kate-self-signed

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:kate-self-signed@localhost
otherName.2 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:kate-self-signed@fed1
email = kate-self-signed@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.747 ***
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -x509 -outform PEM -extensions client_req_extensions"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/kate-self-signed_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.747 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/bob-self-signed.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = bob-self-signed

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:bob-self-signed@localhost
email = bob-self-signed@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.790 ***
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -x509 -outform PEM -extensions client_req_extensions"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/bob-self-signed_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.791 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/greg-self-signed.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = greg-self-signed

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:greg-self-signed@localhost
email = greg-self-signed@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.850 ***
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -x509 -outform PEM -extensions client_req_extensions"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/greg-self-signed_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.850 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/john-self-signed.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = john-self-signed

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]

email = john-self-signed@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.980 ***
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -x509 -outform PEM -extensions client_req_extensions"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/john-self-signed_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:31.980 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/john@localhost-self-signed.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = john@localhost-self-signed

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]

email = john@localhost-self-signed@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:32.023 ***
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -x509 -outform PEM -extensions client_req_extensions"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/john@localhost-self-signed_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:32.024 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/not-mike-self-signed.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = not-mike-self-signed

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]

email = not-mike-self-signed@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:32.056 ***
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -x509 -outform PEM -extensions client_req_extensions"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/not-mike-self-signed_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:32.056 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/grace-self-signed.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = grace-self-signed

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:grace-self-signed@fed1
otherName.2 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:grace-self-signed@reg1
email = grace-self-signed@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:32.118 ***
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -x509 -outform PEM -extensions client_req_extensions"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/grace-self-signed_key.pem'

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:32.119 ***
OpenSSL config: /home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/grace@localhost-self-signed.cfg
HOME            = .
RANDFILE        = $ENV::HOME/.rnd

oid_section = xmpp_oids

[ req ]
default_bits        = 4096
distinguished_name  = client_distinguished_name
req_extensions      = client_req_extensions
string_mask         = utf8only
prompt              = no

[ xmpp_oids ]
id-on-xmppAddr =

[ client_distinguished_name ]
commonName                  = grace@localhost-self-signed

[ client_req_extensions ]

subjectKeyIdentifier        = hash
basicConstraints            = CA:FALSE
keyUsage                    = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName              = @alternate_names
nsComment                   = "Fake Dev-Only Certificate for SASL EXTERNAL tests"

## subjectAltName sections, see 'man x509v3_config' for more information
## example:
## otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:alice@localhost
[ alternate_names ]
otherName.1 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:grace-self-signed@fed1
otherName.2 = id-on-xmppAddr;UTF8:grace-self-signed@reg1
email = grace@localhost-self-signed@mail.domain.com ## this is just to have sth in the section

*** User 2022-01-27 15:36:32.166 ***
Cmd ["openssl req -config ",
     " -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -nodes -out ",
     " -keyout ",
     " -x509 -outform PEM -extensions client_req_extensions"]
Out Generating a RSA private key
writing new private key to '/home/circleci/project/big_tests/ct_report/ct_run.test@34a9b6d2516c.2022-01-27_15.25.07/big_tests.tests.sasl_external_SUITE.logs/run.2022-01-27_15.36.30/log_private/grace@localhost-self-signed_key.pem'

=== Ended at 2022-01-27 15:36:32
=== successfully completed test case
=== === Returned value: [{certs,#{"bob" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "bob-self-signed" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "grace" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "grace-self-signed" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "grace@localhost" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "grace@localhost-self-signed" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "greg" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "greg-self-signed" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "john" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "john-self-signed" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "john@localhost" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "john@localhost-self-signed" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "kate" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "kate-self-signed" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "not-alice" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "not-alice-self-signed" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "not-mike" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>
                              "not-mike-self-signed" =>
                                  #{cert =>
                                    key =>

Test run history | Top level test index | Latest test result