1: -module(json_formatter_SUITE).
    3: -export([all/0, init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]).
    5: -export([
    6:     something_is_logged/1,
    7:     something_is_formatted/1,
    8:     acc_is_formatted/1,
    9:     acc_is_preserved/1,
   10:     chars_limited/1,
   11:     format_depth_limited/1,
   12:     json_depth_limited/1,
   13:     large_event_dont_crash_formatter/1
   14: ]).
   16: -import(logger_helper, [filter_out_non_matching/2, get_at_least_n_log_lines/3, get_log/1]).
   18: -include_lib("kernel/include/logger.hrl").
   19: -include_lib("common_test/include/ct.hrl").
   20: -include_lib("eunit/include/eunit.hrl").
   22: -define(LOGFILE, "log/mongooseim.log").
   23: -define(HID, json_log).
   25: all() ->
   26:     [
   27:         something_is_logged,
   28:         something_is_formatted,
   29:         acc_is_formatted,
   30:         acc_is_preserved,
   31:         chars_limited,
   32:         format_depth_limited,
   33:         json_depth_limited,
   34:         large_event_dont_crash_formatter
   35:     ].
   37: init_per_testcase(acc_is_preserved, Config) ->
   38:     LoggerConfig = logger:get_primary_config(),
   39:     logger:set_primary_config(level, info),
   40:     ConfigFilters = #{filters =>
   41:                         [{preserve_acc_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:preserve_acc_filter/2, no_state}},
   42:                          {format_packet_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_packet_filter/2, no_state}},
   43:                          {format_acc_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_acc_filter/2, no_state}},
   44:                          {format_c2s_state_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_c2s_state_filter/2, no_state}},
   45:                          {format_stacktrace_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_stacktrace_filter/2, no_state}}
   46:                         ]},
   47:     {ok, Backend} = mongoose_logger_running(ConfigFilters),
   48:     [{logger_primary_config, LoggerConfig}, {logger_backend, Backend} | Config];
   49: init_per_testcase(format_depth_limited, Config) ->
   50:     LoggerConfig = logger:get_primary_config(),
   51:     logger:set_primary_config(level, info),
   52:     DepthLimit = 2,
   53:     ConfigFormatter = #{formatter => {mongoose_json_formatter, #{format_depth => DepthLimit}}},
   54:     {ok, Backend} = mongoose_logger_running(ConfigFormatter),
   55:     [{logger_primary_config, LoggerConfig}, {logger_backend, Backend}, {format_depth, DepthLimit}| Config];
   56: init_per_testcase(chars_limited, Config) ->
   57:     LoggerConfig = logger:get_primary_config(),
   58:     logger:set_primary_config(level, info),
   59:     CharsLimit = 30,
   60:     ConfigFormatter = #{formatter => {mongoose_json_formatter, #{format_chars_limit => CharsLimit}}},
   61:     {ok, Backend} = mongoose_logger_running(ConfigFormatter),
   62:     [{logger_primary_config, LoggerConfig}, {logger_backend, Backend}, {chars_limit, CharsLimit}| Config];
   63: init_per_testcase(json_depth_limited, Config) ->
   64:     LoggerConfig = logger:get_primary_config(),
   65:     logger:set_primary_config(level, info),
   66:     Depth = 5,
   67:     ConfigFormatter = #{formatter => {mongoose_json_formatter, #{depth => Depth}}},
   68:     {ok, Backend} = mongoose_logger_running(ConfigFormatter),
   69:     [{logger_primary_config, LoggerConfig}, {logger_backend, Backend}, {depth, Depth}| Config];
   70: init_per_testcase(_TC, Config) ->
   71:     LoggerConfig = logger:get_primary_config(),
   72:     logger:set_primary_config(level, info),
   73:     {ok, Backend} = mongoose_logger_running(),
   74:     [{logger_primary_config, LoggerConfig}, {logger_backend, Backend} | Config].
   76: end_per_testcase(_TC, Config) ->
   77:     logger:remove_handler(?HID),
   78:     logger:set_primary_config(?config(logger_primary_config, Config)),
   79:     ok.
   81: %%
   82: %% Tests
   83: %%
   84: something_is_logged(Config) ->
   85:     {_, File} = ?config(logger_backend, Config),
   86:     Before = get_log(File),
   87:     ?LOG_INFO(#{what => something_is_logged,
   88:                 text => "JSON formatter test. This is an example message.",
   89:                 code => 404, reason => test_execution}),
   90:     ?assertNotEqual(timeout, get_at_least_n_log_lines(File, length(Before) + 1, timer:seconds(5))).
   92: something_is_formatted(Config) ->
   93:     {_, File} = ?config(logger_backend, Config),
   94:     Before = get_log(File),
   96:     ?LOG_INFO(#{in => config, user => #{name => <<"bbby">>, id => 12345}, details => {entropy, too_low},
   97:                 txt => <<"JSON formatter test. JSON-match-this-something">>}),
   99:     After = case get_at_least_n_log_lines(?LOGFILE,
  100:                                           length(Before) + 1,
  101:                                           timer:seconds(1)) of
  102:                 timeout -> ct:fail("timed out waiting for messages to reach the log file");
  103:                 Res -> Res
  104:             end,
  106:     [Line] = filter_out_non_matching(After -- Before, <<"JSON-match-this-something">>),
  107:     Decoded = jiffy:decode(Line, [return_maps]),
  109:     #{<<"level">> := <<"info">>,
  110:       <<"when">> := DateTimeStrBin,
  111:       <<"meta">> := #{<<"file">> := _File,
  112:                       <<"line">> := _Line,
  113:                       <<"mfa">> := <<"{json_formatter_SUITE,something_is_formatted,1}">>,
  114:                       <<"pid">> := Pid},
  115:       <<"details">> := <<"{entropy,too_low}">>,
  116:       <<"in">> := <<"config">>,
  117:       <<"txt">> := <<"JSON formatter test. JSON-match-this-something">>,
  118:       <<"user">> := #{<<"id">> := <<"12345">>,
  119:                       <<"name">> := <<"bbby">>}}
  120:     = Decoded,
  122:     ?assert(is_integer(calendar:rfc3339_to_system_time(binary_to_list(DateTimeStrBin)))),
  123:     Pid = unicode:characters_to_binary(pid_to_list(self())).
  125: acc_is_formatted(Config) ->
  126:     {_, File} = ?config(logger_backend, Config),
  127:     Before = get_log(File),
  129:     Body = <<"JSON-match-this-acc">>,
  130:     Acc = example_acc(Body),
  132:     ?LOG_INFO(#{what => routing_result, acc => Acc, routing_modules => [mongoose_router_1, mongoose_router_2],
  133:                 routing_result => [{{inside, two_tuples}}, {inside, one_tuple}]}),
  135:     After = case get_at_least_n_log_lines(?LOGFILE,
  136:                                           length(Before) + 1,
  137:                                           timer:seconds(1)) of
  138:                 timeout -> ct:fail("timed out waiting for messages to reach the log file");
  139:                 Res -> Res
  140:             end,
  142:     [Line] = filter_out_non_matching(After -- Before, Body),
  144:     Decoded = jiffy:decode(Line, [return_maps]),
  146:     #{<<"level">> := <<"info">>,
  147:       <<"when">> := DateTimeStrBin,
  148:       <<"meta">> := #{<<"file">> := _File,
  149:                       <<"line">> := _Line,
  150:                       <<"mfa">> := <<"{json_formatter_SUITE,acc_is_formatted,1}">>,
  151:                       <<"pid">> := Pid},
  152:       % Because of the format_acc_filter/2 we don't get the full accumulator
  153:       <<"acc_timestamp">> := DateTimeStrBin2,
  154:       <<"from_jid">> := <<"userA@localhost">>,
  155:       <<"origin_pid">> := Pid,
  156:       % format_packet_filter/2 changes the packet
  157:       <<"packet">> := <<"<message type='chat' id='1111'><body>JSON-match-this-acc</body></message>">>,
  158:       <<"routing_modules">> := [<<"mongoose_router_1">>, <<"mongoose_router_2">>],
  159:       <<"routing_result">> := [<<"{{inside,two_tuples}}">>,<<"{inside,one_tuple}">>],
  160:       <<"to_jid">> := <<"userB@localhost">>,
  161:       <<"what">> := <<"routing_result">>} = Decoded,
  163:     ?assert(is_integer(calendar:rfc3339_to_system_time(binary_to_list(DateTimeStrBin)))),
  164:     ?assert(is_integer(calendar:rfc3339_to_system_time(binary_to_list(DateTimeStrBin2)))),
  165:     Pid = unicode:characters_to_binary(pid_to_list(self())).
  167: acc_is_preserved(Config) ->
  168:     ok = logger:add_primary_filter(preserve_acc_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:preserve_acc_filter/2, no_state}),
  170:     {_, File} = ?config(logger_backend, Config),
  171:     Before = get_log(File),
  173:     Body = <<"JSON-match-this-preserve-acc">>,
  174:     Acc = example_acc(Body),
  176:     ?LOG_INFO(#{what => routing_result, acc => Acc, routing_modules => [mongoose_router_1, mongoose_router_2],
  177:                 routing_result => [{{inside, two_tuples}}, {inside, one_tuple}]}),
  179:     After = case get_at_least_n_log_lines(?LOGFILE,
  180:                                           length(Before) + 1,
  181:                                           timer:seconds(1)) of
  182:                 timeout -> ct:fail("timed out waiting for messages to reach the log file");
  183:                 Res -> Res
  184:             end,
  186:     [Line] = filter_out_non_matching(After -- Before, Body),
  188:     Decoded = jiffy:decode(Line, [return_maps]),
  190:     #{<<"level">> := <<"info">>,
  191:       <<"when">> := DateTimeStrBin,
  192:       <<"meta">> := #{<<"file">> := _File,
  193:                       <<"line">> := _Line,
  194:                       <<"mfa">> := <<"{json_formatter_SUITE,acc_is_preserved,1}">>,
  195:                       <<"pid">> := Pid},
  196:       % Because of the preserve_acc_filter/2 we get the full accumulator as acc_original
  197:       <<"acc_original">> := A,
  198:       <<"acc_timestamp">> := DateTimeStrBin2,
  199:       <<"from_jid">> := <<"userA@localhost">>,
  200:       <<"origin_pid">> := Pid,
  201:       % format_packet_filter/2 changes the packet
  202:       <<"packet">> := <<"<message type='chat' id='1111'><body>JSON-match-this-preserve-acc</body></message>">>,
  203:       <<"routing_modules">> := [<<"mongoose_router_1">>, <<"mongoose_router_2">>],
  204:       <<"routing_result">> := [<<"{{inside,two_tuples}}">>,<<"{inside,one_tuple}">>],
  205:       <<"to_jid">> := <<"userB@localhost">>,
  206:       <<"what">> := <<"routing_result">>} = Decoded,
  208:     % This is not ideal but that's how the filter behaves
  209:     A = iolist_to_binary(io_lib:format("~0p", [Acc])),
  211:     ?assert(is_integer(calendar:rfc3339_to_system_time(binary_to_list(DateTimeStrBin)))),
  212:     ?assert(is_integer(calendar:rfc3339_to_system_time(binary_to_list(DateTimeStrBin2)))),
  213:     Pid = unicode:characters_to_binary(pid_to_list(self())).
  215: chars_limited(Config) ->
  217:     {_, File} = ?config(logger_backend, Config),
  218:     Before = get_log(File),
  219:     CharsLimit = ?config(chars_limit, Config),
  221:     LongBinary = unicode:characters_to_binary([<<"a">> || _ <- lists:seq(1, CharsLimit*2)]),
  222:     LongText = unicode:characters_to_list(["a" || _ <- lists:seq(1, CharsLimit*2)]),
  223:     LongStruct = {["a" || _ <- lists:seq(1, CharsLimit*2)]},
  225:     ?LOG_INFO(#{what => chars_are_limited,
  226:                 text => "JSON-match-this-chars-limited",
  227:                 long_binary => LongBinary,
  228:                 long_text => LongText,
  229:                 long_struct => LongStruct}),
  231:     After = case get_at_least_n_log_lines(?LOGFILE,
  232:                                           length(Before) + 1,
  233:                                           timer:seconds(1)) of
  234:                 timeout -> ct:fail("timed out waiting for messages to reach the log file");
  235:                 Res -> Res
  236:             end,
  238:     [Line] = filter_out_non_matching(After -- Before, <<"JSON-match-this-chars-limited">>),
  240:     Decoded = jiffy:decode(Line, [return_maps]),
  242:     ShortenedBinary = binary_part(LongBinary, 0, CharsLimit),
  243:     ShortenedText = binary_part(unicode:characters_to_binary(LongText, utf8), 0, CharsLimit),
  244:     ShortenedStruct = unicode:characters_to_binary(io_lib:format("~0p", [LongStruct], [{chars_limit, CharsLimit}])),
  246:     ?assertMatch(#{<<"level">> := <<"info">>,
  247:                    <<"when">> := _Time,
  248:                    <<"meta">> := #{<<"file">> := _File,
  249:                                    <<"line">> := _Line,
  250:                                    <<"mfa">> := _MFA,
  251:                                    <<"pid">> := _Pid},
  252:                    <<"what">> := <<"chars_are_limited">>,
  253:                    <<"text">> := <<"JSON-match-this-chars-limited">>,
  254:                    <<"long_binary">> := ShortenedBinary,
  255:                    <<"long_text">> := ShortenedText,
  256:                    <<"long_struct">> := ShortenedStruct},
  257:                  Decoded).
  259: format_depth_limited(Config) ->
  261:     {_, File} = ?config(logger_backend, Config),
  262:     Before = get_log(File),
  264:     FormatDepth = ?config(format_depth, Config),
  265:     DeepStruct = deep_tuple(FormatDepth*2),
  267:     ?LOG_INFO(#{what => format_depth_limited,
  268:                 text => "JSON-match-this-struct-depth-limited",
  269:                 deep_struct => DeepStruct}),
  271:     After = case get_at_least_n_log_lines(?LOGFILE,
  272:                                           length(Before) + 1,
  273:                                           timer:seconds(1)) of
  274:                 timeout -> ct:fail("timed out waiting for messages to reach the log file");
  275:                 Res -> Res
  276:             end,
  278:     [Line] = filter_out_non_matching(After -- Before, <<"JSON-match-this-struct-depth-limited">>),
  280:     Decoded = jiffy:decode(Line, [return_maps]),
  282:     ShortenedStruct = unicode:characters_to_binary(io_lib:format("~0P", [DeepStruct, FormatDepth])),
  284:     ?assertMatch(#{<<"level">> := <<"info">>,
  285:                    <<"when">> := _Time,
  286:                    <<"meta">> := #{<<"file">> := _File,
  287:                                    <<"line">> := _Line,
  288:                                    <<"mfa">> := _MFA,
  289:                                    <<"pid">> := _Pid},
  290:                    <<"what">> := <<"format_depth_limited">>,
  291:                    <<"text">> := <<"JSON-match-this-struct-depth-limited">>,
  292:                    <<"deep_struct">> := ShortenedStruct},
  293:                  Decoded).
  296: json_depth_limited(Config) ->
  298:     {_, File} = ?config(logger_backend, Config),
  299:     Before = get_log(File),
  301:     Depth = ?config(depth, Config),
  302:     DeepList = deep_list(Depth*2),
  304:     ?LOG_INFO(#{what => json_depth_limited,
  305:                 text => "JSON-match-this-json-depth-limited",
  306:                 deep_list => DeepList}),
  308:     After = case get_at_least_n_log_lines(?LOGFILE,
  309:                                           length(Before) + 1,
  310:                                           timer:seconds(1)) of
  311:                 timeout -> ct:fail("timed out waiting for messages to reach the log file");
  312:                 Res -> Res
  313:             end,
  315:     [Line] = filter_out_non_matching(After -- Before, <<"JSON-match-this-json-depth-limited">>),
  317:     Decoded = jiffy:decode(Line, [return_maps]),
  319:     % 1 because it is at the first level
  320:     ShortenedList = deep_list(Depth - 1, <<"...">>),
  322:     ?assertMatch(#{<<"level">> := <<"info">>,
  323:                    <<"when">> := _Time,
  324:                    <<"meta">> := #{<<"file">> := _File,
  325:                                    <<"line">> := _Line,
  326:                                    <<"mfa">> := _MFA,
  327:                                    <<"pid">> := _Pid},
  328:                    <<"what">> := <<"json_depth_limited">>,
  329:                    <<"text">> := <<"JSON-match-this-json-depth-limited">>,
  330:                    <<"deep_list">> := ShortenedList},
  331:                  Decoded).
  333: large_event_dont_crash_formatter(_Config) ->
  335:     ?LOG_INFO(#{what => large_log,
  336:                 large_log_msg => large_log_msg()}),
  338:     DidFormatterCrash = is_in_file(?LOGFILE,
  339:                                    "[0-9\\+\\-T:\\.]* info: FORMATTER CRASH: .*",
  340:                                    timer:seconds(1)),
  342:     ?assertMatch(DidFormatterCrash, false).
  344: %%
  345: %% Helpers
  346: %%
  348: example_acc(Body) ->
  349:     #{lserver => <<"localhost">>,
  350:       mongoose_acc => true,
  351:       non_strippable => [],
  352:       origin_location => #{file => "/Users/user/MongooseIM/src/ejabberd_router.erl",
  353:                            line => 116,
  354:                            mfa => {ejabberd_router,route,3}},
  355:       origin_pid => self(),
  356:       origin_stanza => <<"<message type='chat' id='1111'><body>",
  357:                          Body/binary,
  358:                          "</body></message>">>,
  359:       ref => make_ref(),
  360:       stanza => #{element => {xmlel,<<"message">>,
  361:                               [{<<"type">>,<<"chat">>},{<<"id">>,<<"1111">>}],
  362:                               [{xmlel,<<"body">>,[],
  363:                                 [{xmlcdata,Body}]}]},
  364:                   from_jid => {jid,<<"userA">>,<<"localhost">>,<<>>,<<"usera">>,<<"localhost">>,<<>>},
  365:                   name => <<"message">>,
  366:                   ref => make_ref(),
  367:                   to_jid => {jid,<<"userB">>,<<"localhost">>,<<>>,<<"userb">>,<<"localhost">>,<<>>},
  368:                   type => <<"chat">>},
  369:       timestamp => 1598878576962100}.
  371: mongoose_logger_running() ->
  372:     mongoose_logger_running(#{}).
  373: mongoose_logger_running(HandlerConfig) ->
  374:     HandlerID = ?HID,
  375:     HandlerModule = logger_std_h,
  376:     DefaultConfig = #{level => info,
  377:                       config => #{file => ?LOGFILE},
  378:                       formatter => {mongoose_json_formatter, #{}},
  379:                       filters => [
  380:                           {format_packet_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_packet_filter/2, no_state}},
  381:                           {format_acc_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_acc_filter/2, no_state}},
  382:                           {format_c2s_state_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_c2s_state_filter/2, no_state}},
  383:                           {format_stacktrace_filter, {fun mongoose_log_filter:format_stacktrace_filter/2, no_state}}
  384:                       ]
  385:     },
  386:     Config = maps:merge(DefaultConfig, HandlerConfig),
  387:     ok = logger:add_handler(HandlerID, HandlerModule, Config),
  388:     FileBackend = {HandlerID, ?LOGFILE},
  389:     {ok, FileBackend}.
  391: deep_tuple(1) ->
  392:     {"a"};
  393: deep_tuple(N) ->
  394:     {deep_tuple(N-1)}.
  396: deep_list(N) ->
  397:     deep_list(N, "a").
  398: deep_list(1, Content) ->
  399:     [Content];
  400: deep_list(N, Content) ->
  401:     [deep_list(N-1, Content)].
  403: is_in_file(FileName, Pattern, Time) when Time > 0 ->
  404:     case file:read_file(FileName) of
  405:         {ok, Bin} ->
  406:             case re:run(Bin,Pattern,[{capture,none}]) of
  407:                 match ->
  408:                     true;
  409:                 _ ->
  410:                     timer:sleep(100),
  411:                     is_in_file(FileName, Pattern, Time-100)
  412:             end;
  413:         Error ->
  414:             erlang:error(Error)
  415:     end;
  416: is_in_file(_FileName, _Pattern, _Time) ->
  417:     false.
  419: large_log_msg() ->
  420:     "These violent delights have violent ends " ++
  421:     "And in their triumph die, like fire and powder, " ++
  422:     "Which, as they kiss, consume. The sweetest honey" ++
  423:     "Is loathsome in his own deliciousness " ++
  424:     "And in the taste confounds the appetite. " ++
  425:     "Therefore love moderately: long love doth so; " ++
  426:     "Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow. " ++
  427:     "Rom. In faith, I will. Let me peruse this face. " ++
  428:     "Mercutio's kinsman, noble County Paris! " ++
  429:     "What said my man when my betossed soul " ++
  430:     "Did not attend him as we rode? I think " ++
  431:     "He told me Paris should have married Juliet. " ++
  432:     "Said he not so? or did I dream it so? " ++
  433:     "Or am I mad, hearing him talk of Juliet " ++
  434:     "To think it was so? O, give me thy hand, " ++
  435:     "One writ with me in sour misfortune's book! " ++
  436:     "I'll bury thee in a triumphant grave. " ++
  437:     "A grave? O, no, a lanthorn, slaught'red youth, " ++
  438:     "For here lies Juliet, and her beauty makes " ++
  439:     "This vault a feasting presence full of light. " ++
  440:     "Death, lie thou there, by a dead man interr'd. " ++
  441:     "                                     [Lays him in the tomb.]" ++
  442:     "How oft when men are at the point of death " ++
  443:     "Have they been merry! which their keepers call " ++
  444:     "A lightning before death. O, how may I " ++
  445:     "Call this a lightning? O my love! my wife! " ++
  446:     "Death, that hath suck'd the honey of thy breath," ++
  447:     "Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty. " ++
  448:     "Thou art not conquer'd. Beauty's ensign yet " ++
  449:     "Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks, " ++
  450:     "And death's pale flag is not advanced there. " ++
  451:     "Tybalt, liest thou there in thy bloody sheet? " ++
  452:     "O, what more favour can I do to thee " ++
  453:     "Than with that hand that cut thy youth in twain " ++
  454:     "To sunder his that was thine enemy? " ++
  455:     "Forgive me, cousin.' Ah, dear Juliet, " ++
  456:     "Why art thou yet so fair? Shall I believe " ++
  457:     "That unsubstantial Death is amorous, " ++
  458:     "And that the lean abhorred monster keeps " ++
  459:     "Thee here in dark to be his paramour? " ++
  460:     "For fear of that I still will stay with thee " ++
  461:     "And never from this palace of dim night " ++
  462:     "Depart again. Here, here will I remain " ++
  463:     "With worms that are thy chambermaids. O, here " ++
  464:     "Will I set up my everlasting rest " ++
  465:     "And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars " ++
  466:     "From this world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last!" ++
  467:     "Arms, take your last embrace! and, lips, O you " ++
  468:     "The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss " ++
  469:     "A dateless bargain to engrossing death! " ++
  470:     "Come, bitter conduct; come, unsavoury guide! " ++
  471:     "Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on " ++
  472:     "The dashing rocks thy seasick weary bark! " ++
  473:     "Here's to my love! [Drinks.] O true apothecary! " ++
  474:     "Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.".